Nearly 20 million people live here and the thrum of human noise is constant.
BBC: A Beijing state of mind
As I absorbed these words, the thrum of Cairo beat in my ears.
WSJ: Fearlessness and Loving in Cairo | Traveler's Tale
Throughout the tedious hubbub, while they waited to begin again, Arianda sang and danced in her chair, her body never losing its thrum of joy.
NEWYORKER: The Natural
The engine note is pleasing, too, with just a touch of turbo spool-up from under the hood and a nicely resonant thrum coming from the dual exhausts.
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Eventually, though, they're all reduced to a snoozeful thrum by a process that works like noise-canceling headphones -- every speech, stance or position has its nullifying opposite.
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Thrum was captivated and decided to launch an experiment with his fall Artificial Intelligence course at Stanford, offering a parallel online version free to anyone. 160, 000 students in 190 countries enrolled.
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Layers of sound fold one over another, the low beat of a dragonfly's wings joined by the calling of crickets, the clucking of a mother hen with her chicks, and the thrum of a motorcycle passing in the distance.
BBC: High spirits in Bali