NDTV, an Indian cable news channel, called the test Thursday from Wheeler Island, off the coast of the eastern state of Orissa, a "high-five moment for Agni and India" in screen graphics accompanying its coverage.
Lussier was arrested at his home in Vernon on Wednesday and waived extradition to Rhode Island on Thursday.
Japan's foreign ministry said two Russian Su-27s violated airspace for just over a minute Thursday near its northernmost main island of Hokkaido, and that Japan then scrambled four F-2 fighter jets.
On Thursday Emily battered the eastern Caribbean island of Grenada, ripping off roofs and flooding streets.
Emergency flood barriers were installed on Osney Island, Oxford on Thursday while the Loddon Bridge Park and Ride site in Wokingham is closed.
"If last year was in many respects the perfect storm of talent and experience to get us to the College World Series, this has been kind of the reverse perfect storm, " Senk said Thursday from his office on Long Island, N.
The decision on what finally makes it onto Anglesey Monopoly will be taken after a public vote and survey on the island, which starts on Thursday and will last a month.
Banks in the Mediterranean island nation will remain closed until Thursday.
On Thursday a special joint session of the Rhode Island General Assembly is expected to pass comprehensive public pension reform, which will be signed by Gov. Lincoln Chafee.
Last Thursday, a fire at a nightclub in Rhode Island claimed the lives of 97 people.
Chavez, speaking by telephone from Caracas with state-run VTV, had returned Thursday morning from his latest round of treatment on the island.
The second strike will be held between 13:00 GMT and 18:00 GMT on Thursday which is an exam day for many of the island's GCSE and A-Level students.
At Parris Island, South Carolina, hundreds of Marines graduated Thursday morning from basic training -- a day earlier than planned because the base didn't want Hanna to cause problems for families coming to the celebration, Master Sgt.
At least he should be able to spot a losing argument: The Senate is scheduled to consider the nomination of Rhode Island plaintiff attorney Jack McConnell for a federal judgeship on Thursday.
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) The Florida parents charged with kidnapping their boys from their grandparents and sailing to Cuba on a boat called "Salty" to elude authorities were expected to face a judge Thursday for the first time since they were forcibly returned from the island nation.
The South Korean military said Thursday that its drills will take place in the seas southwest of Yeonpyeong Island between December 18 and 21, but bad weather forced a delay Saturday.
The island-wide three-day count is due to start on Thursday.
MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- The U.S. Coast Guard said Thursday it has picked up more than 500 Haitians attempting to flee their troubled island home by sea and will send most of them back to Haiti, where a spreading rebellion has stoked fears of a new wave of refugees.
Kris Anderson, a passenger aboard the ship and reporter for CNN affiliate WREG, said Thursday passengers have been told they will be allowed off the ship to enjoy the island while flight arrangements are made.
After mass on Maundy Thursday before the Christian holiday of Easter, each of six villages on the Dalmatian island of Hvar in southern Croatia sends out a group that will proceed through the other villages in a circle, covering twenty-five kilometres in eight hours before returning home.
National Grid announced an agreement Thursday to buy power from a small project set to be built by Deepwater Wind near Block Island, R.
Every day seems to bring a new heartache: On Thursday, the bodies of two missing boys, lost in the storm, were found in a Staten Island marsh.
It was launched from Wheeler Island off the coast of the eastern state of Orissa at 0807 local time (0237GMT) on Thursday.