Never mind that her route lay across more than six kilometres of choppy tidal water and Ms Sherr had not swum more than a kilometre in decades.
ECONOMIST: Lynn Sherr��s new book offers all the skinny on dipping
The Boat Race is unique because it takes place over a course that not only twists and turns - unlike the 2, 000m Olympic course - but does so on tidal water, where the pace of the stream varies, and conditions are never the same from one day to the next.
BBC: SPORT | Other Sport | Boat Race 2003 | Little things count
The Spirit of Breydon, designed for the open water and tidal conditions of Breydon Water near Great Yarmouth, can also be used 60 miles (97km) off shore.
BBC: Breydon Water: Broads Authority launches new patrol boat
The key concern relates to the loss of inter-tidal feeding areas for water birds.
Flood-tide: rising tide, part of the tidal cycle between low water and the next high water.
Ebb-tide: the falling tide, part of the tidal cycle between high water and the next low water.
The Carbon Trust believes that the cost of developing the technology can be considerably reduced over the next 10 years, which could see up to 1, 000 wave and tidal devices in the water by 2020.
Technical advances that helped self-sufficient farming communities to be more productive became more widely adopted across Europe and this led to the development of the horse-collar, allowing more efficient haulage and plowing, the horse shoe, the mouldboard plough, allowing the cultivation of heavier northern European soils and a widespread adoption of water power in the form of water mills and tidal mills.
Ebb-tidal current: flow of water in a given direction that takes place between high water and low water.
Tidal current: movement of water in a constant direction caused by the periodic rising and falling of the tide.
Habitats in the biosphere reserve comprise barrier islands, beach and sand dunes, salt marshes, maritime forests, tidal creeks, fresh and brackish water impoundments and open water areas.
All parties will also prepare for surface water floods, collapsing reservoirs and tidal surges.
One proposal: a set of giant movable gates to be built on the land separating Lake Pontchartrain from the Gulf that when closed could block tidal surges, and when open, improve water flow.
They are a pretty basic technology, they are a one hit, while if we develop lagoons, if we develop other forms of tidal and wave and other ways of extracting the energy from the water and the wind then I think we've got a great potential export trade.
Moons that orbit their planet too closely will experience strong tidal heating and a runaway greenhouse effect that would boil away any surface water.
Ocean hits are worse than land hits, not just because of immense tidal waves, but because of the vast quantities of super-heated water vapor and dust that spread from the impact to shroud the entire Earth.
In New York, where Sandy brought a record 14ft (4.2m) tidal surge, the National Guard is to deliver a million meals and bottled water to residents affected by the storm.
About 10 hectares of tidal salt marsh is being created by two outfall pipes which are opened to allow water to flow in and out.
BBC: Salt marsh returns to bomb site at South Efford reserve
Tidal inlet: a river mouth or narrow gap between islands, within which salt water moves landwards during a rising tide.
There are lots of small initiatives, either at the user end -- e.g. turning off stand-by switches, drinking tap water -- or the supply end -- e.g. wind energy, tidal energy.
When the water levels rise, air will be pumped into the barriers raising them up to block the tidal flow and protect the city from flooding.