Penrose tiling has, however, been widely used in the past for decoration, particularly by Islamic artists.
In iOS 6, the resizableImageWithCapInsets:resizingMode: method allows the caller to specify a tiling or stretching resizing mode.
ENGADGET: Apple seeds iOS 6 beta 4 to developers: here's the changelog
Mediterranean countries often use tiling for floors but the winters can be chilly so warm tiles can be welcome.
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Scrolling through webpages in IE 10 felt smooth, and we shockingly didn't notice any tiling as we zoomed in and out.
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Bathtubs are located in the bedroom rather than in the bathroom, and the grey slate tiling gives the place an urban vibe.
Without running the risk of sounding too radical he suggested that nano tiling could be used to create something of ANY size.
It is mainly funded by the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) and also provides training to applicants, such as plumbing, tiling and electrical work.
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An elevated floor is being put in place to protect the elaborate mosaic tiling, said Lombardi, where seats will be placed for the cardinals.
Just look at the exuberant tiling in the Kenilworth (, Edinburgh's top gay hangout when I lived there - still deliciously camp thanks to exuberant Edwardian bedizening.
Up to 100 engineers will be putting the finishing touches to the station over the next two weeks, building pavements, tiling floors and fitting out the interior.
The two-dimensional equivalent is known as Penrose tiling (see picture above), after Sir Roger Penrose, the mathematician who put this form of geometry on a formal footing.
The resizableImageWithCapInsets: method of UIImage effectively resizes images by tiling.
ENGADGET: Apple seeds iOS 6 beta 4 to developers: here's the changelog
Other times we noticed tiling when we launched applications.
As a performance optimization, it uses stretching rather than tiling when the user would not be able to tell the difference, such as when a single column or row is being stretched.
ENGADGET: Apple seeds iOS 6 beta 4 to developers: here's the changelog