The Admissions Committee then starts to offer admission to the best candidates, and by the time you reach the round two deadline in January (my dates and figures are purely illustrative), there may be 250 or so places left.
While we're looking forward to spending some serious alone time with the D2, pricing and release dates were absent from today's announcement, beyond arriving this quarter.
ENGADGET: Hands-on with the Huawei Ascend D2 (update: now with video)
Rather than measure learning and move individual students along to new concepts as they master previous ones, it measures seat time and moves students along when they hit certain dates on a calendar.
They met in 1984 at a Ben Rosen-Esther Dyson computer conference and started going on "virtual dates" by driving to the same movie at the same time in different cities and discussing it on their cell phones.
Much of this time is spent filing paperwork, setting dates, and so forth.
Of course, Greig offers no dates, and on a long enough time line anything is possible.
ENGADGET: Nokia's Ovi Maps headed to Windows Mobile and Android? (update: no way)
The lord lieutenant role dates back to the time of the Tudors and holders are usually a retired local notable, senior military officer, peer or business person.
This dates to a time when coachwork meant horse-and-buggy stuff, not cars.
She also encourages young people to take breaks from "hooking up, " find quiet time to talk to friends about intimacy and go out on real dates.
All of these factors brought us to lose precious time and, particularly, has prevented us from providing you some certain dates for the delivery.
Proponents say the August start dates allow more instruction time before students take mandatory state achievement tests and Advanced Placement and college-entrance exams.
In the summer of 2003, Jay-Z spent much of his time on the road, playing 33 dates with 50 Cent, Busta Rhymes and Missy Elliott on the Rock the Mic tour.
The manuscript measures 18 inches long by 3 inches tall and dates from around 50 BC to 1 BC, at a time when people of different cultures and faiths lived, worked, and traded in harmony, yet also clashed in devastating warfare.
Wifarer automatically up dates your location in real time, within three to five feet, and when you move, the beacon moves too.
Tourists also can buy tickets in-person at the stations scattered throughout Cusco and the Sacred Valley, and it is recommended to do so a few days ahead of time in order to secure tickets for the required dates.