You can configure four different triggers at one time, controlling cue points, looping and so on.
The goal will be to hit the cue ball one time and have all the balls go in the pocket.
But after 300 sessions spread over the course of a year, two of Dr Birbaumer's patients were able to put out signals on cue three-quarters of the time.
This time, HSBC says, the correction started on cue after 410 days.
Perhaps they should have taken a cue from Greenwood and given CEO Waksal a time-out.
You might want to take a cue from Samsung and IBM and invest some time for in-depth meetings with your boss, your clients, your colleagues, your vendors, and others whose objectives and preferences you might take for granted.
FORBES: Lessons For Your Personal Career From Great Big Business Decisions
As if on cue, Schwab did just that right around the same time.
An audible cue will then go off to note the end of time for a response, and the moderator will step in.
Time and again, companies face a comeuppance because they missed some cue.
After that, time has been set aside to consider private bills - which may be the cue for another Chope-athon, with the indefatigable Conservative MP and a small band of allies staging another ambush against legislation they regard as too restrictive or financially irresponsible.
We aren't apt to ever hear this in official fashion, but Bloomberg has it on good authority that Apple's newly-promoted Eddy Cue has just fired the guy who was unfortunately leading the Maps team at the time of iOS 6's release.
ENGADGET: Apple's Eddy Cue reportedly fires Richard Williamson, who oversaw the iOS 6 Maps team
Right on cue, procrastinators began to make all sorts of racket, complaining that they didn't have enough time to apply for a coupon or that it was simply their God-given right to watch TV.
ENGADGET: The original DTV transition: what could've been HD
The unique Loop Recorder also allows DJs to capture and overdub audio loops from the live mix, cue signal or an external input on the fly, and drop them back into the mix at any time.
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