The compound in question, Slo-Mo, makes its addicts feel as if time is passing at 1% of its normal speed.
They also emphasised there was a distinction between "dwell time", which is defined as the time between the wheels stopping and moving again, and "boarding time", which is defined as the time during which people were passing through the bus doors.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Bendy bus ads complaints upheld
No other parting with an automobile has ever seemed so dramatic to me, but it is always a reminder of passing time and relentless change when you dispense with a familiar vehicle.
W. all but ignores many other aspects of Bush's time in office and 11 September is mentioned only in passing as a means to an end.
BBC: Newsbeat - Entertainment - Does Bush film live up to hype?
Four minutes later, the same car is again seen passing the bar, this time with a puff of smoke visible.
Montreal already has Anthony Calvillo, 40, who signed a two-year contract in December and is the CFL's all-time leader in passing yardage, touchdown passes and completions.
WSJ: Tim Tebow, CFL, New York Jets: Maybe Tebow Can Be a Backup��In the CFL
With so much at stake, the time for definitive action is not just upon us, but is rapidly passing us by.
Until such time, Mr Puente is keen to focus on playing music - and passing on his skills on to students at both Leeds College of Music and London's Trinity College of Music, where he teaches.
Perhaps Robinson's relative anonymity is a saddening, if inevitable consequence of the passing of time.
Knowing that someone is so ill and not being able to give him just the minimal support of passing a phone message is quite remarkable in this day and time.
Many on Capitol Hill doubt the wisdom of passing such large cuts in taxes at a time when the country is engaged in an expensive war and when the government has swung rapidly back into deficit.
Pharycde's isn't the message with "Passing Me By, " which is one of my all-time favorite songs.
And I think it is worth checking in with the American people as to whether they think that is worth the effort -- that that is what they what Congress to be doing at a time when Congress could be passing bills tomorrow that would keep a million construction workers on the job in this country in this economy.
The ELA, well that was entertained in the beginning but there is no commitment by the ECB to do such a thing, hence the really hard time passing the bill through the Cypriot parliament.