The analytics include statistical modeling, functional grouping, multiple regress analysis and time series analysis, she said.
The automated process for constructing the model was the same as before, only the target time series were updated.
During this time, she also anchored several prime time series on MSNBC, including A Region In Conflict and Ashleigh Banfield: On Location.
Over the 140 years of the new time series, this nitrogen component of river chemistry is seen to climb relentlessly.
United's 18-game lead in the all-time series is a wider margin than any other MLS team has against its principal rival.
Evans' 26 rebounds are the most for a player on either side of the all-time series between the Nets and the Blazers.
His prime time series' unimpressive ratings provided a weak lead-in for O'Brien.
This is a short time series, just a week, so it is still possible that there will be more to the story.
Flu Trends estimates are locked after the current week is over, thus a similar effect is not seen for the Flu Trends time series.
Syracuse holds a 3-1 advantage in the all-time series with Indiana.
Clearly visible in the new time series are major land-use changes during the 20th Century that gave enormous nitrate kicks to the hydrology of the Thames basin.
OECD's and the Conference Board's current historical time series differ from what was published at the time, because the data from which they are constructed have been revised.
My former Urban Institute and Tax Policy Center colleague Gene Steuerle has put together a fascinating time series of spending change by presidency, measured as a share of GDP.
Dr. BLACK: And sure enough there was this long-term increase in the numbers of fish followed by a, you know, pretty rapid increase towards the end of the time series.
General Electric ( GE - news - people )-owned NBC's 30 Rock, which was once again showered with Emmy praise despite ranking about 60th among all prime-time series.
NBC's The Restaurant, this summer's six-episode reality show about a New York bistro, is the first prime-time series in decades produced in part by an ad agency, the Interpublic Group of Cos.
Furthermore, multi-decade time series, including the Hawaii Ocean Time Series, the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series, and the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations, also showed increasing phytoplankton biomass during the past 20-to-50 years.
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The reality: even if NBC is able to beat ABC in the ratings this season, the latter still holds a clear advantage when it comes to advertising riches for its prime-time series.
Characters such as Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan and Jack Bauer on Fox's prime-time series 24 are engraved with the same irreverence, patriotism and easiness with violence that 007 has portrayed throughout his 53 years in the service.
Spitz: Geospatial analysis, time series analysis, etc.
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It also suggests that nerds have too much free time between Series of Dr. Who.
It is the first time the series has visited Wales, with the main race having started at 1900 BST.
During his baseball career, Schilling was a six-time All-Star selection, three-time World Series champion and 2001 World Series MVP.
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It marks the second time the series has been cancelled, it was dropped by Fox in 2003 after four seasons.
The Red Sox hired Valentine as manager to replace Terry Francona, a two-time World Series winner brushed out the door like a stray cat.
By using a discovery platform they were able to use a combination of SQL, text, statistics, and time-series analysis to get a more accurate customer churn prediction model.
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Mr Sloan combines time-series visualisation and Venetian typography with ease.
But he has been surpassed by Rafael Nadal on the list of all-time Masters Series titles after the Spaniard won in Rome to match record-holder Andre Agassi on 17.
Test cricket's all-time leading run-scorer moved to 47 with a delightful punch to the point boundary but then fell to White, for the second time this series, in uncharacteristic fashion.