Combining part time study with work should be a common experience for many students at this level.
Part-time study is the only way many people can access higher education and we must support it.
In response to the dramatic downturn in part-time students nationwide, unprecedented support is needed now to ensure part-time study thrives in future.
One third of England's undergraduate population studies part-time, and the importance of part-time study for the economy and social mobility is widely recognised.
This led to part-time study at a technical school and then evening attendance at the London School of Economics, working as an accountant by day.
He added that the fall in part-time study and in mature students taking degrees was of "real concern for individuals, organisations and our society and economy".
Part-time study is key for students not entering higher education through a more traditional route and will be vital to the success of the widening participation agenda.
The NSF report on the study notes that spending the time to study how humans ride and handle bicycles will give designers insight into ways they may improve bicycle design.
This is not the first time a study has shown a benefit in preventing the risk of cancer.
If you want to get both excited and depressed at the same time, study CareMore.
And two months hardly seems enough time to study one airport, let alone 149.
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The result being that I spent as much time in study as I did in trouble.
The last time a study like this was done, the numbers were only current through 1999.
FORBES: Life Expectancy Of U.S. Women Trails International Community
Compensation schemes can be complex and few shareholders will take the time to study them.
Prosecutors told the judge they were surprised by the new development and needed time to study the software program.
More people have been given more time to study terrorist incidents, and, not surprisingly, the result is a more thorough accounting.
Take some time to study the tables, but note that we are going to focus on 2015 and not the outlier years.
There was a long lag between the time the study was finished (July 2006, according to and when it was released.
"Mary had given me other documents ages ago to look after and I had never had the time to study them, " said Mr Arter.
BBC: World War I secret documents found in Powys house clearance
The WikiLeaks problem highlights something that smart investors have known for a long time: study the management team and the way they do business.
Members of Congress are seeking a one-year reprieve from new swipe fee caps in order to take more time to study their possible ramifications.
He said the defense had had insufficient time to study the evidence and accused the U.S.-backed Baghdad government of driving the process, Reuters reported.
She used her time to study, and listen to music (Mozart, but other composers, too, later on), and take photographs, which she never showed anyone.
Although these still-sealed documents apparently contain nothing to contradict McVeigh's boastful confessions, it was widely assumed that his lawyers would be granted more time to study them.
"We are not able to give any response on behalf of the industry to this afternoon's proposals until we have had time to study them, " the statement concluded.
Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, a Westchester Democrat who sponsored the legislation, said she hadn't had time to study the report yet but planned on "looking at it very closely, " she said.
Some nations, such as Jordan, say they need more time to study the convention's provisions, while others including Egypt, Iran, and Israel have produced, imported, exported, and stockpiled cluster munitions.
"Let's hope all those eager delegates who will be at COP7 actually take time to study the temperature history of where they're visiting - there's no 'global warming' at all in Morocco", he said.
Their children have more time to study.
FORBES: How a Five Year-Old Start-Up Attracted GE's Attention-- Without Selling in the U.S.