Businesses are demanding these changes: it has become the norm to work in real time and be aware of updates as they occur.
"If we can make it a little bit more difficult for teenagers to start smoking then hopefully by the time they get to be a bit older they will be more aware that they are not immune to the effects of smoking, " said Dr Sarah Jarvis from the Royal College of GPs.
At the same time, civil society needs to be made more aware of the tremendous change they can bring about by encouraging a preference for responsible companies.
Mr Yehoshua's warmest character is the old bakery owner, a man who ignores the need to sleep he is aware enough to know there will be plenty of time to sleep once he is gone yet who frets about doing the right thing before he dies.
According to the criminal complaint last week, this appears to be the first time Mr. Barai became aware of the investigation.
At the same time, Massa will be aware that if Hamilton fails to finish in Brazil, his task gets easier.
So I think these location-aware services are now in their prime time to be fully commercialized.
Be aware that it would mean spending some real time and talking to a lot of people.
We have to have a different skill sets and we have to be much more aware and alert than we were at one time.
Unfortunately, unless the Obama effect wears off soon, by the time the American people become aware of this fact it may be too late to make a difference.
But in the near-term, this is a good time to be an owner of financial assets especially equities as the markets are only too aware.
This goes to knowing what the reporter is doing and are they going to do something else with the information that you may not be aware of at the time.
Anyone thinking of heading to Mexico, for business or pleasure, needs to be well aware that anyone could become an intentional or unintentional victim, at almost any time.
FORBES: Think Mexico Is Safe For Spring Break? Here's 10 Tips To Survive South Of The Border
While you obviously need to be aware of market pressures, without the pressure from outside investors, you can take the time to better lay the foundation of your business a foundation that, one day, might support an empire.
FORBES: 4 Things They Don't Teach You At Wharton About Entrepreneurship