Being a PM is balancing engineering capabilities with customer needs and delivering a product that has the right mix of features at the right point intime for your customer tobesuccessful.
The company has dabbled in the SMB space for quite some time but never really dedicated the kind of resources that I believe are required tobesuccessfulin going after this market opportunity.
"We put a modest but important sum of money there to understand the market and over time I think a company like ours will be able to understand how to operate and besuccessfulin those type of markets, " he added.
As long as she is successful she should be able to schedule her own time and figure out when to fit in the things she deems important both personally and at work.
Lost in the turbulence is another institution, Coach Joe Paterno, who for decades led the Penn State Nittany Lions to great heights, and now, at a time when he should be basking in the glory of a successful career, he finds himself disgraced, shamed and dishonored by the very institution that held him in such high esteem.