Gradually the musical tinkle of their bells disappears into the great silence of the mountains.
"We haven't seen that kind of length and athleticism all season long, " coach Wayne Tinkle said.
"We haven't seen that kind of length and athleticism all season long, " Tinkle said.
Stanford struggled to get a good look, but Tinkle finally hit a 3 with 5.1 seconds left.
The slam of the front door, the heavy thunk of books and a tinkle of keys hitting the dining room table.
Second-leading scorer Joslyn Tinkle struggled with foul trouble in the first half and went more than 35 minutes of game time without scoring.
"They jumped us pretty good and I think our guys maybe panicked a little when shots weren't going in, " coach Wayne Tinkle said.
As the sun sinks below the horizon, the wind freshens slightly and bells on the golden umbrellas above the pagodas begin to tinkle.
To aid my adventure I'd been given a wooden walking stick complete with a small Japanese flag and bells that would tinkle with each step, as though I were an Alpine cow.
True, he has a very strong voice and can certainly tinkle on the old ivories compared to your average chart topping pop star... but not anywhere near to the standard that I would expect to hear at a top jazz gig.
Little Ann's 40-year-old single "Deep Shadows, " produced by Detroit's Dave Hamilton, is a marvel of subtle understatement, built around little more than a bass line, a slight tinkle of piano, a cutting guitar line and, most notably, those bells, which ring loud and portend nothing auspicious.