Meanwhile, the McCain campaign made fun of Obama's energy proposal Monday by distributing tirepressure gauges reading "Obama's energy plan" to McCain's traveling press corps.
As I recall Saab (and some other car makers) give more information than others on their door-frame labels about varying tirepressure based on driving conditions.
The company has taken to Twitter to answer a litany of inquiries from prospective customers, and thus far we've learned that the adapter won't soon monitor tirepressure (boo), and that it has no immediate plans to release an API for developers to expand its functionality (double boo).
Expect future cars to help motorists garner maximum mileage by leveraging technology like the eco-tutoring systems found in many hybrids, wider use of tire-pressure, oil life and engine-tuning monitoring systems and more-sophisticated GPS guidance that can select less-congested routes.
Having a franchise that charges 8% of your revenue in royalties and fees, whose reservation system refers to your hotel no more than 8% of your total rooms rented, is like having 14.7 pounds of air pressure in your tire.