• While millions of Americans are expected to tune in to see movie stars walk the scarlet path at Sunday night's Academy Awards presentation at the soon-no-longer-to-be-called Kodak Theatre, a small but growing number of everyday folks are doing the peacock-strutting themselves at events ranging from bar mitzvahs to corporate bashes.

    WSJ: It's Time Again in Hollywood to Roll Out the Reddish Carpet

  • The new building - to be called Europa - was commissioned in 2004.

    BBC: A brochure among the bills

  • The new company--to be called Sprint Nextel --will boast a particularly strong base of corporate customers, and a total subscriber base of around 40 million customers.

    FORBES: Sprint Nextel, No. 3 With A Bullet

  • The merged company--to be called Sprint Nextel --promises to mesh the best elements of each company, including Nextel's (nasdaq: NXTL - news - people ) push-to-talk technology and strong corporate customer base, and Sprint's (nyse: FON - news - people ) high-speed data network.

    FORBES: Now, How Do They Plug It In?

  • Key issues of contention remain, including how strictly the protocol's requirements will be applied, and the extent to which the planting of pollution-absorbing trees - so-called carbon sinks - can be used to meet targets.

    BBC: EU pushes for Kyoto compromise

  • The government has appointed two women to be chief executives of its newly nationalized banks-- Landsbanki and Glitnir--now to be called New Landsbanki and New Glitnir.

    FORBES: Market Scan

  • Her new website - to be called Boo Enterprise - is set to be launched in the summer of 2010.

    BBC: Becky's solar-powered radios on the right wavelength

  • Google has revealed its first Chrome Os-powered notebook, to be called the Cr-48, according to trustedreviews.com.

    FORBES: Morning Tech Wrap: Google Chrome, MasterCard Hacked, IE9

  • In that sense, credit applications aren't much different from the so-called stated-income mortgages that came to be called "liar loans" during the subprime crisis.

    WSJ: Cards Return to Campus

  • The controversy disrupted proceedings in the Indian Parliament Wednesday, where proceedings had to be adjourned after members of the Samajwadi Party, which is known to be pro-Anil, called for the resignation of the oil minister.

    FORBES: The Ambani brothers are at it again.

  • In the current debates about "fairness" - that contemporary sop for the aspirations to what used to be called "equality" - there is scant acknowledgement of the paralysing impact of poverty on social mobility.

    BBC: A Point of View: Race, class and house parties

  • Allowing selection within mixed-ability schools is what used to be called a cop-out, and is now known as the third way.

    ECONOMIST: Education

  • Within hours of his party taking the House, Representative John Boehner, the House Speaker-to-be, called it a "monstrosity" and declared he had a mandate to repeal it.

    BBC: US elections 2010: Democratic losses and Obama's agenda

  • His bride-to-be called the late princess "an inspirational woman" and said that joining the Royal Family was a "daunting prospect" but something she hoped to take in her stride.

    BBC: Royal wedding: William and Kate start planning

  • As a top-50 player, Tipsarevic must adhere to the so-called whereabouts rule by making himself available to be tested in an one-hour slot for an out-of-competition test if the drug testers randomly come calling.

    CNN: Tennis is a 'clean sport,' says Tipsarevic

  • Infernum, a development studio, has come up with a free-to-play game called Brick-Force which can be best described as a Minecraft with guns.

    FORBES: Brick Force -- A Game Where Minecraft Meets Guns

  • Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has called for the initial three-month observer mission to be expanded to 300 monitors in 10 locations, and asked the Security Council to authorize the expanded number.

    CNN: U.N. Security Council to vote on Syria observer mission

  • This week, the group said it will bundle its disparate e-commerce activities into a single entity, to be called Bertelsmann E-Commerce Group.

    ECONOMIST: Bertelsmann

  • The second agreement addresses the question of "demarcationn" : Where is the technological line to be drawn between so-called "theater" missile defenses that were not supposed to be covered by the ABM Treaty and "strategic" defenses that were?


  • In August, the RSA charity - which aims to solve "social challenges" - also called for the public to be given lessons by officers and volunteers in how to defuse conflict.

    BBC: Anti-social behaviour: Two-thirds would 'walk on by'

  • I'm not pointing the finger at Wilkinson - I haven't called for him to be dropped - but a lot of England's players have had too many chances to play well and have not performed.

    BBC: Jeremy Guscott's tactical view

  • Anti-alcohol campaigners will be celebrating a Budget decision to class so-called alcopops in the same tax bracket as spirits - which could raise their cost.

    BBC: Alcopops hit as real ale boosted

  • "As a former protectee of Secret Service agents, I see no problem with the principle that they -- like all federal agents -- can be called upon to aid federal criminal investigations, " Quayle said.

    CNN: Quayle: Secret Service Should Testify

  • And I argued that the easy way to do that would be to raise the so-called margin requirements how much money a trader has to set aside to control commodities contracts.

    FORBES: Why Won't The Fed Fight Inflation?

  • Another "former" - the former Labour leader Neil Kinnock - has called on witnesses to be "candid and honest" in their responses when it comes to the judicial inquiry.

    BBC: Scaffolding and doling out rope

  • Apple 's ( AAPL - news - people ) long-awaited tablet PC--if that multi-purpose slate can even be called a reader--which is expected to be revealed later this month.

    FORBES: CES 2010

  • One exception to the diminishing returns of e-reader launches will no doubt be Apple's long-awaited tablet PC--if that multi-purpose slate can even be called a reader--which is expected to be revealed later this month.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Anxiousness over Washington's bailout bill, coupled with fears of a global economic slowdown -- neither of which can exactly be called news -- seemed to be behind the decline .

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Charles remembered a visit to Haiti about two years ago when Marcelin, believed to be in her mid-50s, called seeking help.

    CNN: Women's movement mourns death of 3 Haitian leaders

  • Mr. GEOFFREY YORK (Reporter, Globe and Mail): When you look at the strategy that they're supposed to follow, I mean, they're supposed to be doing the so-called three Ds: development, diplomacy, and defense.

    NPR: Anti-West Riots, Resurgent Taliban Roil Afghanistan

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