The unfortunate bailouts of profligate homeowners were to a high degree a symptom of a weak dollar that made housing so initially attractive to begin with.
The document also gives you an option to say whether you want doctors to be "positively certain, " "certain to a high degree" or "reasonably certain" that you will never recover before pulling the plug.
"It means there is more light penetrating through the ice - that depends to a high degree on the snow cover but once it has melted the light can get through, " Dr Gerland said.
Conservatives who should know better fear an erosion of the American culture if we open our borders to immigrants, but the happy truth is that immigrants to a high degree are the American culture.
FORBES: A Proud Russian Immigrant Reminds Me Of America's Genius
What we try to do is manage our schedules to ensure that we are delivering what we promised, and I think that having done so consistently has led to a high degree of client retention.
FORBES: Intermarine Executives Discuss Ship Financing, Piracy, and Global Maritime Trade
Indeed, the problem with venture capital funding to some degree, and government funding to a very high degree, is just how narrow is the mix of individuals who might have access to both.
" And in the most important part of what he said he added, "It would have to be a high degree of consensus on both sides of the aisle in Congress, and in both houses to proceed.
Since she is able to accept a high degree of risk, she has other attractive investment available.
Nor, says Fishbain, did tests seem to show a high degree of infection at field camps in Iraq.
Meanwhile, the error all along, to which both Chinese policy makers and Western commentators seem to have fallen victim, has been to confuse a high degree of usefulness with indispensability.
To the outsider's eye these complaints tend to display a high degree of pettiness and conceit, as with the applicant for a medical job with the commission who argued that his non-hiring was explicable only by a prejudice on the commission's part against Swedish medical qualifications.
When I was governor of Massachusetts, to get a high school degree you had to pass an exam.
Community colleges can also serve as a gateway from a high-school diploma to a baccalaureate degree.
Methods of testing the soil "with minimal intrusion" are available, the sheriff's office said, and will be able to determine "with a high degree of reliability" whether bodies are buried there.
U.S. diplomats are doing the same things they usually would when a U.S. citizen is arrested in a foreign country, but maybe to a higher degree because of the high-profile nature of the case, a senior administration official said.
CNN: Will new video convince Mexican judge to free U.S. mom?
And so over the years she worked her way up -- without a college degree, just a high school degree -- to become one of the first woman bank vice presidents in the state of Hawaii.
Mr Huyler manages to inject his story with a high degree of suspense.
CMInsight's Mr Havard agrees that call centres need to focus more on providing a high degree of motivation and job satisfaction in this repetitive environment.
And that's why we'll foster what are called early college high schools that allow students to earn a high school diploma and an associate's degree or college credit at the same time.
Community colleges like NOVA are incredibly important because they serve a varied group of learners, from recent high school grads seeking a pathway to a college degree, to adults seeking training for the jobs of tomorrow.
The jobs of the future are increasingly going to those with more than a high school degree.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks at National Governors Association Meeting | The White House
In the retail context hedge funds are considered to represent speculative investments that involve a high degree of risk.
Consider, for instance, the burgeoning phenomenon of sports teams that employ their own beat reporters to cover them, often with a high degree of independence.
FORBES: Why Google Should Rethink Its Approach to Sponsored Content
In other words, Ewanick fell to earth to a great degree because he failed to perform well enough in the high-wire act that he created.
FORBES: Ewanick Failed at GM Because Omission Became Main Mission
This week, Charles Clarke, the education secretary, and Margaret Hodge, the minister for higher education, have been stressing the financial value of a university education and questioning the morality of forcing those without a degree to pay for the education of high-earners with one.
ECONOMIST: The battle-lines over university fees have been drawn
This concern prompted 49 former NASA scientists and astronauts to send a letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden on April 10, admonishing the agency for its role in advocating a high degree of certainty that man-made CO2 is a major cause of climate change, while neglecting basic empirical evidence that calls the theory into question.
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This leads me to the other advantage of bonds over bond funds: you can pick the maturity date and know with a high degree of certainty when you are going to get your money back.
One gaming genre, however, prefers to slow things down while still maintaining a high degree of action and planning.