It wasn't until Tuesday that Antony Kinyua -- Alexander Kinyua's father -- called a Harford County detective assigned to a missing person's case and told him about a gruesome discovery made by another of his sons, the charging document states.
The myth of "a waiting period" to report a missing person still lingers, and many families are turned away by officials and forced to begin their journey on their own without any direction or support.
That was 20 years ago, a time when no one had cell phones, Blackberries or Web sites to aid in tracking a missing or abducted person.
In 2010, Damien's case was changed by the police from that of a missing person to a suspected murder investigation.
BBC: Mother of Damien Nettles talks of drugs debt murder theory
Street- smart, smart-alecky Detroit detective Amos Walker gets a bizarre missing-person case that leads to mayhem and murder via a passel of vividly drawn, colorful characters.
Gene therapy, a set of medical technologies that plant new genes in a person's cells in order to produce missing proteins, might be used both to save lives and to ramp up athletic performance.
On Tuesday, Antony Kinyua -- Alexander Kinyua's father -- called a Harford County detective assigned to the missing person's case and told him about his other son's gruesome discovery.
Crown witness Lee Winyard said he believed the car they arrived in was the same as the one that featured in a missing person poster relating to Ms Spence's disappearance.
He told BBC Radio Ulster that officers who initially responded to the missing person report carried out a torchlight search of the grounds and were directed towards a nearby school that was in a different area to where Mr Fenton's body was found.
Cleveland city spokeswoman Maureen Harper said that under state policy, detectives are asked to remove missing persons from the databases if they can't confirm a person is still missing during annual checks.
WSJ: Lapse in Missing-Persons List Questioned by Cleveland Officials
The IPCC investigation found the area sergeant had not been informed and, according to the force's own policy, a young missing person should never be risk assessed as low.
Post script to this article: the missing crew person, a woman, was recovered in an unresponsive condition near the scene and later pronounced dead.
He was heavier than she expected a person with most of his body missing to be, and he did nothing to help her.
Google wasted no time in deploying a Japanese version of their person finder tool to help locate those missing, trapped or safe.
The missing person report triggered a media storm, with Paris Jackson tweeting for people to help find her grandmother or at least to get a phone call from her.
Villagers and the U.S. Army reserves are looking for one person still missing: a six-year-old boy, whose family wants to bury him in the front yard, too.