Many of these families were Hispanic immigrants trying to achieve the American dream of home ownership.
If you want to achieve the American Dream, you have to see it and believe it first.
One simply asks if people feel it is possible for them and their family to achieve the American Dream.
So it's very much a human story about individual people who took out loans and tried to achieve the American dream.
That helps spur economic development in communities across our country and gives millions of families and individuals the opportunity to achieve the American dream.
On a personal note, I spent the 4th of July weekend with my immigrant parents who reminded me of their path to achieve the American Dream.
On the basic question of whether "it is possible for you and your family to achieve the American Dream, " 57% said it is possible in a Feb. 17 Zogby Interactive poll of 2, 031 likely voters.
FORBES: Fewer people in the U.S. believe they will ever achieve it.
And I wanted to know how can we create sustainable neighborhoods that allow people who are still trying to achieve the American Dream to be able to afford and live in these brand new neighborhoods and communities?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Town Hall Meeting at University of Maryland | The White House
As we continue to confront strategic challenges and fiscal austerity, my hope for the future is that the sense of duty our servicemembers and their families exhibit every day inspires the leaders of this nation to have the courage to do what is right, to achieve the American Dream, to give our children a better life, and to build a more secure future.
So when it comes to tackling the deficit, or it comes to growing the economy, when it comes to giving every American an opportunity to achieve their American Dream, the American people are demanding the same kind of resolve, the same kind of spirit of compromise, the same kind of problem solving that all these folks on stage have shown.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces New Fuel Economy Standards
As your Secretary of Interior, you have given to me the opportunity to prove them right and to achieve that American Dream.
In 2008, Obama carried voters who did not believe they could achieve the American Dream by two-to-one, lost to John McCain those who did believe in the dream and still won the election.
Now it's time for us to get to work to achieve not just King's dream but the American dream.
More money in your pocket means more opportunity to shape your future and achieve your own definition of the American Dream.
Housing policies, interest rate policies and easy credit made the American Dream almost too easy to achieve and drove us inexorably toward the 2007 financial crisis.
FORBES: Too Big To Fail Banks Get Bigger, American Dream Turns Nightmare