Do you want me to adopt a child or teach people that there's so many children out there to be adopted here?
"I have met couples who have adopted children from China and Nicaragua, but they all wanted to adopt a child from care here, " he said.
I--the other guys are a little upset with me, but I cut the tour short because I'm going to China on September 2nd to adopt a child.
The Moghadams initially planned to adopt a child in Ethiopia in 2010, but decided on Ghana after they saw the four siblings on the waiting list of an adoption agency.
CNN: Diana Nyad making fourth attempt at Cuba-to-Florida swim
Now I'm not against anyone providing a secure, loving home for a child, but it seems to me that these stories often reinforce a growing public image of adoption for many Americans: that of a rich, famous individual going to a developing country to adopt a child.
Michael Bergen and Michael Aki, a gay American couple who got married in 2004 and work as graphic designers in Massachusetts, decided to try surrogacy in India after they waited unsucessfully for three years to adopt a child in the U.S. To hire a surrogate, "we looked at Panama and the Ukraine, " recalls 39-year-old Mr. Bergen.
"You are relegating adopted parents to go to the back of the bus and wait in line if they want to adopt" a native American child, she said.
"She is not skirting any legal issues in her application to adopt this child and is looking to provide a loving family environment and the best education and health care possible for a child who has been in an orphanage since her birth, " spokeswoman Liz Rosenberg said in a statement earlier this week.
He is most proud of getting Minnesota to adopt a statewide computerized system for hunting and fishing licenses and to require child safety seats in automobiles.
There is plenty of evidence that "second-hand" smoke - breathed when you are in the same room as someone smoking - can be harmful, particularly to children, and some parents adopt a strategy of never smoking in their child's presence.
One small step in the right direction would be to adopt a supplementary MDG commitment to halve by 2015 the gap between poor and rich when it comes child survival and school attendance.
For me to adopt an embryo, I wasn't going against their teaching any more than if I had adopted a child that was a result of premarital sex through domestic adoption.