It will continue to grow and needs to adopt measures to reduce its contribution to climate change.
The Commission also plans to adopt measures aimed at facilitating electronic payments and billing and simplifying the settlement of online disputes.
"Among the advanced economies, the United States, in particular, needs to adopt measures that would allow it to meet its fiscal commitments, " the IMF warned.
As industry continues to expand in the underdeveloped parts of the world, companies and governments will increasingly need to adopt measures to efficiently treat and provide water for their burgeoning populations and expanding needs.
The settlement, which was filed on Thursday, also requires the largest U.S. bank to change how it awards bonuses and assigns accounts, and to adopt measures to help retain and promote women, according to papers filed Wednesday with the U.S. District Court in San Francisco.
The current BOE leadership has made clear that it believes the U.K. is approaching the limits of what can be achieved by ultra-loose monetary policy and that more of the burden of reviving growth must now fall on the government to adopt measures to make the economy more competitive.
In the next years, if the European Union manages to think out of the box and to adopt original measures to reinforce the governance of the eurozone, such as the undergoing banking union and the announced fiscal and political unions, the original misconceptions of the European Monetary Union (EMU) will be fixed.
FORBES: Europe : Getting The Nobel Peace Prize And Preparing For The Nobel Prize In Economics?
The European Commission communication invites member states, in the strongest terms, to adopt the measures.
When the resulting proposals are approved, individual countries will have no choice but to adopt the measures.
Denied EU bailouts, these governments were forced to adopt harsher measures than Greece.
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The Convention called on States to adopt immediate measures in favor of equality in education and, what is more, it linked the concept of Education directly to Human Rights.
The support comes as Nepal recently adopted a national culture policy, which strongly focuses on its rich and diverse living heritage and on the need to adopt concrete measures to safeguarding in this regard.
The EU's global catch of sharks ranks second only to Indonesia, yet the European Commission has committed itself - under the EU Action Plan for the Conservation and Management of Sharks - to adopt the necessary measures to conserve shark species and to minimise waste and discards from shark catches.
If the Fund stands ready to lend huge sums to countries that get into trouble, those countries are less likely to adopt the difficult measures that may be needed to stay out of it.
Under these terms, the last thing we want to do is adopt policy measures that lead to arrangements that will lower productivity.
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The eventual deal which goes forward to the General Assembly mandates governments to adopt unilateral "precautionary measures" to ensure their bottom-trawlers do not cause significant damage to marine ecosystems.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Ban on 'brutal' fishing blocked
Initially, stocks rose after the statistics bureau released the news this morning, but market sentiment shifted later over concerns the government is likely to adopt further tightening measures.
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He also pledged to adopt further reform measures if necessary.
Unless America and other targets of terrorism are ready to adopt such Draconian measures as a total ban on any cross-border banking business with large parts of the world, they will have to persuade other countries to be vigilant, in a way that they have never been before.
But if a chunk of America's unemployment is structural, its policymakers need urgently to think beyond stimulus measures, and also to adopt more targeted policies to help the millions stuck in the wrong place with the wrong skills.
The rapprochement should consolidate over the next few months as the Greek- and Turkish-Cypriot governments adopt measures to help the two economies converge.
ECONOMIST: Is there still a chance for a settlement in Cyprus?
And she confirmed her choice to not adopt these special measures in a conversation with the prosecutor immediately before she gave evidence, it added.
This universal international treaty stipulates that governments should adopt measures to restrict the availability of prohibited substances and methods in order to reduce illegal use by athletes (Article 8).
The lower alcohol-content threshold was one of nearly 20 recommendations aimed at reducing drunken driving made by the board, including that states adopt measures to ensure more widespread use of use of ignition devices.
Further, risk sentiment that helps other currencies could be supported if U.S. lawmakers adopt measures to deal with the so-called fiscal cliff, in which tax hikes and budget cuts kick in at the start of 2013 in the absence of congressional action, Vecchio said.
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Japan should adopt incentive measures to attract highly qualified foreigner to work in Japan.
To curtail illicit flows he suggests the government should: (i) ensure that the rule of law is applied fairly and swiftly, (ii) strengthen regulatory and legal institutions (iii) adopt policy measures to improve both public and corporate governance such as improving tax compliance and collection.
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The other two safe haven currencies, the low yielding Japanese yen and the Swiss Franc will likely benefit immediately from the news, but there is a possibility that either country would adopt macroeconomic measures to curb inflows into their currency in order to avoid fast valuation.
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Education policy needs to aggressively adopt the same kind of risk adjustment measures, if we hope to identify which high schools are truly doing the best job of educating their students and preparing them for the future.
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Beijing may adopt other policy measures to support economic activity, such as opening up more strategic industries (eg, railway, power and telecom, and services) to private investment, providing special assistance to small and midsized enterprises and export companies, and, possibly, offering specific consumer spending subsidies.