He also believes that the State Department budget is very important and that the money, the relatively small amount of money that is utilized through the State Department to advance American interests abroad, is money very well spent, and that we need to be mindful of that as we make our choices going forward.
To get the fish, Pacific Andes would advance its Russian suppliers money to cover expenses for fuel, vessels and fishing equipment, thus cementing relationships with a fleet hit hard by the collapse of the Soviet Union.
To get the fish, Pacific Andes would advance its Russian suppliers money to cover expenses for fuel, vessels and fishing equipment, thus cementing relationships with a fleet hit hard finally by the collapse of the Soviet Union.
To deal with the potential problem that some farmers might get disillusioned and withdraw early - creating perturbation - each group will have to deposit enough money into a bank account in advance to cover the entire cost of a four-year operation.
Firms that spend money to publicly advance the field may be priced out by firms continuing to use the inefficient methods or copying the improvements and undercutting the price.
This would mean giving money to countries in advance of a full-blown currency crisis.
And we will make sure that that money is used elsewhere to advance the infrastructure and innovation agenda that is essential for economic growth.
With a multiple rights deal, most revenue streams go toward paying off a single advance, making it very difficult to earn money on the side.
As President Obama and Mitt Romney are now both benefiting directly and indirectly from super PACs, it is more than just unregulated ideologues throwing money into the system trying to advance their interests.
It would require unions to get advance permission from members before spending any dues money on politics.
He scored a big advance from Pantheon, using that money to fund a classics factory, of which he is chief executive officer.
If he were advising Kercher's parents, Dershowitz said, he would recommend that they file a civil suit to claim the money Knox has received as an advance for a book about the case that is scheduled for publication next month.
But there is a risk that not everyone will realize in advance how much of the money is going to be withheld, Passikoff says.
At the end of the day, Pace said the company is trying to advance 3D through new technology, while helping broadcasters save money at the same time, and giving fans a whole new perspective on sport.
Well okay, that money was actually earmarked for a health care newsletter rather than to advance their insidiously skeptical positions regarding a looming climate catastrophe.
FORBES: How Can I Get Some of That Anti-Global Warming Big Oil Money?
The event which often sells out months in advance has been affected by customers waiting until the last minute to spend their money, organisers said.
We have made everyone aware by putting messages on the machines in advance, and advising people about where they will still be able to get money.
It lends them money to outfit their shops and pays a proportion of their commissions in advance.