They ride the train into the city and manage to make it to and from school every day on their own.
GARCIA-NAVARRO: Still, the young women admit that their families don't let them out at night or take any detours to and from school.
In March, protesters against the plans drove children to and from school for the day in a bid to try to stop council plans.
"They would have to take account of whether staff and pupils are able to get to and from school safely in their area, " said the spokeswoman.
As my dad protectively drove us to and from school, the only places we could go to, I noticed the row of soldiers on the streets.
Ferrying her two boys to and from school every day, she found more and more parents looking for a solution to their own school run problem.
Protesters against plans to cut faith school bus funding in Luton are driving children to and from school for the day to try to stop council plans.
BBC: Parents protest over Luton council's faith school bus cuts
Taking your kids to and from school is not a deductible expense even if you stop by the home and school office to say hello to your colleagues.
We imitated it on the walk to and from school.
FORBES: Excessive Celebration Penalties Are a Pox on Football, No Matter What Bob Costas Says
She will have to go to the souk on her own, she will have to get the food, she will have to drive the kids to and from school.
We know that police are setting up checkpoints and woman are talking about police stopped in front of school as they are bringing their kids to and from school.
But whatever we can do to reduce bullying and create climates of safety in class, on the way to and from school, at recesses, lunchrooms, we have to do that.
Our school participates in special events sponsored by Safe Routes to School which includes the National and Massachusetts Walk To School Days, celebrating students walking or biking to and from school.
Governor Jerry Brown put the breaks on school bus services throughout California Tuesday, potentially leaving thousands of school children out in the cold and without a way to get to and from school.
"We look forward to working with the local community, schools, local authorities, the Welsh assembly and others to find a long-term solution to the difficulties that we all face in ensuring that our children travel safely to and from school, " he added.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Bus driver cleared in boy death case
It's not just culture shock, which the kids say is real, yet not as daunting as they had imagined, but also pragmatic issues: Their parents may not have the resources to get them to and from school, or understand how to apply for financial aid.
WSJ: The Unlikely Reformer | Innovator of the Year 2012 Education
School buses will still have access to take children to and from Sulby school.
Numbers taking gap years shrank in 2011 as thousands of teenagers in England opted instead to avoid the higher fees, which came in this September, and go straight to university from school and college.
However, staff at Lagan College said A-level module exams will continue if students can make their way safely to and from the school.
The fact that she used to give me 250g of sweets each morning going to school from primary school and insisted I ate everything on my plate didn't occur to her that might be the problem.
The Center offers young people diverse, educational and extracurricular enrichment activities as well as support to help prepare them to graduate from high school and to pursue college and meaningful careers.
It will provide funds to train a new generation of math and science teachers while giving aid to states and school districts to stop teachers from being laid off and education programs from being cut.
So parents and children are supposed to sit tight and wait on the promised reform to trickle down from Washington to the local school systems, and then all will be well?
The first school I went to was in Wisconsin and the people that went to that school came from small towns and they kind of backed off a little bit.
Children born to stable, married parents are more likely to graduate from high school and from college, well-equipped to thrive in a knowledge economy and, in turn, more likely to marry and start their own families on a stable footing.
I'm going to be home in the morning, you know, when you go to school and when you get home from school.
So, with that, just as proof of the extraordinary promise of American young people, I'd like to invite Steven Harris and Brian Hortelano from Oakton High School to come up here and demonstrate what their team has built.
She reported her concerns to the teacher, who relayed them to the head, and Mrs Ege was asked to go and see her when she came to collect Yaseen from school that day.
So I, you know, went back to school and I just graduated from medical school.
The number of women in law school has gone from 4% in 1963 to 44% today, and the number in medical school increased from 6% to 49%.