"I don't think Pfizer needs to apologize for not finding this out, " says Philip J.
Australian Prime Minister John Howard also refused to apologize for Australia's role in the Iraq war.
No one has to apologize for driving a GM car any more thanks to Lutz.
At one point, he called Democratic committee member John Kerry to apologize for a staff member's brush-off.
And I also want to apologize for them because they spent last week listening to me talk.
He did come into the dressing room after the game to apologize for not getting our name right.
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Citigroup and Credit Suisse are both expected to apologize for what they did, but in a way that will admit nothing.
And without hesitation, Judge Mukasey said, you never have to apologize for being a human being in this court.
Frankly I'm a little tired of other peoples' need to apologize for it.
CNN: Thompson's September 7, 2007, speech in Des Moines, Iowa
Foreign Secretary Jack Straw called on the BBC to apologize for the report.
"We're not going to apologize for 'The Kiss, ' " CEO Blake Irving said.
President URIBE: Maybe I have to apologize for mistakes but never for crimes.
Those who are successful have no reason to apologize for their good choices.
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When she called her father to apologize for telling him prematurely that she was getting a divorce, he started to cry.
The campaign was over the top that later a dying Republican strategist Lee Atwater called Mr. Dukakis to apologize for his tactics.
"Yeah, I'm happy we got a ninth, I'm never going to apologize for winning a league championship, " Kansas coach Bill Self said.
Finally, I want to apologize for sounding like Debbie Downer this morning.
An audience member asked if Fox were to apologize for cancelling the show, how would the panelists want them to do it?
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Oosthuizen played courageous golf on Sunday and has nothing to apologize for.
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Luteru Lou Te'i, 51, said his daughter believes Ronaiah Tuiasosopo was responsible, since he called her later to apologize for using her image.
Allowed to respond, Huckabee acknowledged that he raised gasoline taxes to build roads and help his state's education system, which he refused to apologize for.
Spending years feeling you have to apologize for being a responsible parent can cause women to lose all sense of the value of their own contributions.
Technology executives in particular had plenty to apologize for this past year--from defective products to slip-ups in how they handled private data collected via the Internet.
While Apple is having to apologize for the poor quality of its maps in the West, it is clearly superior to Google Maps in China.
"I did not conduct myself in a way befitting of a Liverpool manager during that interview and I'd like to apologize for that, " he said in a statement.
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The pontiff repeatedly misfired in his attempts to apologize for the remarks, eventually appending a lengthy footnote to the text of the controversial speech to help clarify its peaceful intentions.
As soon as we saw the first Tweet from Mr. Smith, we contacted him personally to apologize for his experience and to address his concerns on both Twitter and with a personal phone call.
FORBES: The Kevin Smith - Southwest Airlines tweet battle (And why you should be on Twitter too)
It was a little more than a month later when Scott Forstall, vice president in charge of iOS, was ousted from the company, reportedly, in part, for not wanting to apologize for Maps.
"I want to apologize for anything I said that was inaccurate or ill-informed, " said Nicol Andrews, deputy director of communications for the agency, in an e-mail sent Monday night to Davis and made public Tuesday.