Among the more curious charges being made against Estrada is that he plotted to assassinate Ramos.
Four Dutchmen, accused last month of attempting to assassinate Yugoslavia's president, Slobodan Milosevic, remained in custody.
Their job is to assassinate cells infected with viruses, thus preventing the infection from spreading.
In 1933, Giuseppe Zangara, an Italian-born anarchist, failed in his attempt to assassinate U.S. President Franklin D.
In 1950, an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate U.S. President Truman was made by two members of a Puerto Rican nationalist movement.
And we consider an effort to assassinate a diplomat in the United States to be a flagrant violation of international law.
King Abdullah also pardoned several Libyans who had been detained over an alleged plot to assassinate Abdullah when he was crown prince.
It is widely reported a radio jammer inside the car of Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf stopped an attempt to assassinate him last December.
An Iranian-American charged over an alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the US has pleaded not guilty in a New York court.
But Mr. Musharraf, who faces legal prosecution and Taliban promises to assassinate him, has returned to a country edging toward a monumental political transition.
Mr Venner is also a former member of the Secret Army Organisation (OAS), which opposed Algerian independence in the early 1960s and tried to assassinate Charles De Gaulle.
When Saddam visited there in 1982 gunmen attempted to assassinate him.
What we know is that an individual of Iranian-American descent was involved in a plot to assassinate the ambassador to the United States from Saudi Arabia.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Press Availability
One can only expect that in the wake of recent news regarding an alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador, the regulations will be more restrictive.
This week the New York Times reported that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had once hired Blackwater, a private-security contractor, in connection with a plots to assassinate al-Qaeda operatives.
Although Farouk Hijazi may have a lot to tell his captors right now, he was suspected in '93 of having been behind the plots to assassinate President George Bush Sr.
And the fact of the matter is that the United States disrupted a conspiracy to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in a plot that was directed by elements of the Iranian government.
Mr Venner once served time in prison for his activities with the Secret Army Organisation (OAS), which opposed Algerian independence in the early 1960s and tried to assassinate President Charles De Gaulle.
On Wednesday, Fetchet was in Arizona to work with those affected by the 2011 Tucson shooting spree, in which a gunman tried to assassinate former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed six others.
About 6 in 10 Americans say they believe multiple people were involved in a conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy, while only one-fourth think Oswald acted alone, according to an AP-GfK survey done in mid-April.
The author of an October 1973 cable says that Washington Post reporters are planning to report allegations that Watergate burglar Howard Hunt and others plotted to assassinate the Panamanian leader Omar Torrijos.
Then we had a vote in the United Nations General Assembly about the Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States -- again, overwhelming support, including from Arab nations condemning that behavior.
Abdurahman Alamoudi, who provided seed money for activist Grover Norquist to start a pressure group called the Islamic Institute, allegedly was recruited by Libyan intelligence as part of a plot to assassinate the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Libyan agent who funded Norquist group pleads guilty
But the Bush administration's investigation of a report that Gadhafi plotted to assassinate Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah cast doubts on how soon the two countries would move toward an exchange of ambassadors, which would signify the full resumption of relations.
Ali Agca, the Turkish gunman who tried to assassinate Pope John Paul ll in 1981 was tried and sentenced by an Italian court after his capture in Saint Peter's Square, over which jurisdiction is shared between the Italy and the Vatican.
Although the State Department has noted Libya's progress in ending support for terrorism, officials said Libya will not be removed from the list until some remaining concerns are addressed, including Libya's suspected involvement in a plot to assassinate Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah.
Mrs Kumaratunga, speaking a day after publicly accusing Tamil Tiger rebels of trying to assassinate her, made clear that she has no intention of forming a coalition government with her opposition rivals in the search for a solution to Sri Lanka's long-running conflict.
In sum, Pervez Musharraf is facing a challenge to his rule from two sides, the first being from the radical Islamists who have attempted to assassinate the general on more than one occasion and who also challenged government authority at the Red Mosque.
The Alamoudi mystery deepened on June 10, when the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal reported that he had told authorities he was part of an alleged plot by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to assassinate Crown Prince Abdullah, the Saudi leader.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Islamist penetration of Homeland Security?