In the end Europe faces a stark choice: to force some of the weaker countries out of the eurozone or for the stronger countries to assume responsibility for the bloc's debts as a whole.
Second, "cradle-to-cradle" is a call to manufactures to assume responsibility for the end game of what we make, building in a recovery plan for every widget.
That is, for Afghan forces to begin taking a security lead in the coming year, and for the Afghan government to assume security responsibility countrywide by the end of 2014.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing on Afghanistan-Pakistan Annual Review
Rather, they reflect a strategic imperative not unlike that which led Britain's Royal Navy and, subsequently, the United States Navy, to assume responsibility for, and amass the means to exercise control over the world's oceans.
Working with local government and military officials, they have demonstrated their readiness to assume responsibility for the provincial security of Babil.
Al-Kidwa wants the Assembly to act under a 1950 resolution that allows members to act whenever the Security Council "fails to assume its" responsibility in keeping world peace and security.
CNN: U.N. leader surveys interest in possible special session
They have a legal responsibility to assume the worst and plan conservatively.
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It was tough getting Nato to assume responsibility for running the operation.
Advancement depends on merit and we have yet to find the limits to the responsibility our best people are able to assume.
This initiative was immediately criticized for its failure to assume an adequate federal responsibility for the costs of, for example, rehabilitating existing airports and building new ones.
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Theresa Erickson, the attorney for Beasley, disputed Michelsen's claim that another couple stands ready to assume responsibility for Beasley's pregnancy and the children, saying money has proved to be a stumbling block.
It would allow the ECB to assume full supervisory responsibility over any credit institution, particularly those which have received or requested public funding, with all banks covered by the SSM by the start of 2014.
The times are demanding us to wake up and assume our cosmic status, our cosmic responsibility and our cosmic joy and to make life on earth the heaven it really should be.
But even pro-Europeans have embraced the court's call to assume more responsibility.
So these are all important achievements, and they go a long way toward helping create the conditions needed for Afghans to assume greater responsibility for their country.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron at the White House | The White House
In Kabul, Mr. McDonough met with General Allen and other senior ISAF officials to discuss the military campaign, the transition process, and the status of building and strengthening the Afghan National Security Forces to assume responsibility as U.S. and coalition forces continue to draw down.
These consortia, which would have the clout to raise debt finance at low rates, would assume the risk of cost overruns and the responsibility for finishing projects on time.
Hamid Karzai announced a plan to make Afghanistan's army and police assume responsibility for the country's security, starting in July.
Under the plans, England's 152 primary care trusts (PCTs) are to be abolished and GP consortiums across the country will assume responsibility for the commissioning of services for patients.
"From 2002 she made very clear that if I didn't take the children and assume responsibility for them they would have to go into care, " he said.
Our goal is to hasten the day when peace is self-sustaining, when local democratically elected authorities can assume full responsibility and when NATO forces can go home.
In a court proceeding, do you assume some trivial responsibility when you raise your right hand, and swear to God to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
The ANA will assume sole responsibility for security in Helmand once coalition combat operations come to an end next year.
And we must strengthen the capacity of Afghanistan's security forces and government so that they can begin to assume primary responsibility for their country's future.
Given the risks and the dangers of a region-wide conflict, one would hope that the great powers -- particularly the United States and Russia -- would assume their historic responsibility and reach an understanding that begins the process of putting an end to the deadly struggle in Syria that has killed more than 70, 000 Syrians, according to the latest United Nations estimate, and caused a humanitarian disaster.
And without that training, without meeting the force requirements for an Afghan national security force, it gets harder for Afghans to ultimately assume responsibility.
To be sure, you assume myriad liabilities by directly acknowledging responsibility, yet an opportunity was nonetheless lost at the 30, 000-foot level to bear moral responsibility for the fiasco in a way that would not have legal impact.