How many of you wanted - or still want - to be an astronaut.
When I was a kid growing up in the 1960s, I wanted to be an astronaut.
Although her first ambition was to be an astronaut, she trained as a lawyer and had only a passing interest in Formula 1.
He's an aerospace engineering major who wants to be an astronaut.
"Now I kid around with my siblings that it's through osmosis that I got to be an astronaut, " Hernandez, 47, told reporters in a recent briefing.
The journey back to an operating theatre may still be the greatest obstacle to an astronaut who is seriously injured, or falls badly ill during a mission.
Prior to Dextre being on board the station, this task would have had to be performed by an astronaut on a space walk.
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The singer-songwriter-producer-designer-author named his record label Star Trak, selected the image of an astronaut to be the logo for his Billionaire Boys Club clothing line, and even named his son Rocket.
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Would-be astronaut Parker, who has dedicated her life to becoming an astronaut since watching the movie "Space Camp" at the age of 12, insists blasting-off would be reward enough.
Saylor planned to be an Air Force fighter pilot and astronaut.
The legislation prohibits the sale, barter or exchange of an award by the recipient, and while it could be passed down within an astronaut's family, it would have to be returned to NASA if there is no heir.
The lunar samples would be the central feature of an "Apollo Exploration Award" to be given to every Apollo astronaut or a surviving family member.
When else would we be able to share such delights as an astronaut triathlete, soft, color-changing robots and a recent response to a thirty-year-old alien broadcast?
ENGADGET: Alt-week 8.18.12: Graphene sponges, zero-g athletics and tweets in space
He visits a Russian farm to look at the country's ambitions to be an agricultural superpower, checks out the Star City astronaut training center, meets with seven-foot boxing world champion-turned-movie star Nikolai Valuev and talks along the way with entrepreneurs and environmentalists working to make the city of Sochi home to green Olympics in 2014.
His teenage hope was to become an astronaut, and he pushed himself to be high-school valedictorian to improve his chances.
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Nasa has never allowed an astronaut to conduct a spacewalk beneath a shuttle's belly before, for fear it could easily be damaged.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Astronaut fixes shuttle problem