It's one thing to be arrested for posting a photo that shows you breaking the law.
Since my family couldn't understand Chinese, I thought we were going to be arrested.
Yes, some are dangerous criminals who need to be arrested, prosecuted and removed through deportation.
They also have charged two additional defendants with manslaughter, though they have yet to be arrested.
They are the first military personnel to be arrested in connection with the investigation.
Mr Hernandez, 51, is the first suspect to be arrested in connection with the case.
And of course, Islamists who threaten or commit violence need to be arrested and thrown behind bars.
In February, Shahid Balwa became the first company executive to be arrested in connection with the scandal.
In England and Wales, children aged 10 to 17 are far more likely to be arrested than adults.
The man is the 20th to be arrested by the Metropolitan Police as part of its Operation Tuleta inquiry.
He was the highest-ranking official to be arrested for corruption in five years.
It's another to be arrested for posting a photo of someone else's handiwork.
"George Michael Zimmerman needs to be arrested, put on trial and given a sentence, " said Tracy Martin, Trayvon's father.
He is the 58th person to be arrested as part of Operation Elveden.
And guess who decides who is going to be arrested for what offence?
FORBES: London Riots: Who Pays? Or, When is a Riot Not a Riot?
But will the Interahamwe hang around and wait to be arrested and disarmed?
The deleveraging by our households and businesses is not a pattern to be arrested, but good prudence to be celebrated.
He ordered one of the officials to be arrested and said he was handing back the case to a lower-ranking judge.
The former glam rock star is the first person to be arrested in connection with the Metropolitan Police's Savile abuse investigation.
"It will be my first time to be arrested, " Angelot told KGO.
He said he had planned on either going back to the house and waiting to be arrested or go to the police station.
The Kray brothers were the first to be arrested when police forced their way into their mother's council flat at Braithwaite House, Finsbury.
Lord Levy said he had been "literally trembling with shock" when he first heard he was going to be arrested in July 2006.
Officers may ask a person to stop drinking in a public place for various reasons and failure to comply makes a person liable to be arrested.
The first to be arrested, Juan Ponce Enrile, is a serial offender, having been arrested for trying to overthrow Corazon Aquino's government in the late 1980s.
On April 18th it was the turn of Jurdan Martitegi, who police believe had been ETA's military chief for four months, to be arrested in France.
At least two BP employees are also expected to be arrested on manslaughter charges tied to their actions leading up to the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon.
While the figures tell us that children over 10 are more likely to be arrested than adults, they also suggest that fear of the young is exaggerated.
My third husband had to be arrested on my complaint for spousal abuse but after two years apart and a year of therapy on his part we reunited.
Analysts say Mr Ashraf is unlikely to be arrested imminently.