M13 was the 13th male from that group to be born in the wild.
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It was, he said, the wrong place to be born in for anyone with dreams.
Five European grey wolf pups are the first to be born in the Highlands in 12 years.
There was no sign of the settlers, including White's granddaughter, Virginia Dare, the first English child to be born in America.
The fact is sport has changed and you don't always have to be born in the country you want to represent.
Participants, as well as their parents and grandparents, had to be born in those areas to be included in the study.
Born in Detroit, Michigan, he was the first member of the band to be born in the city with which they became synonymous.
It's very easy to moan about giving from the comfort of your own laptop, having had the luck to be born in the West.
Jambo was the first male silverback gorilla to be born in captivity, the first to be mother-reared and was one of the most prolific breeding silverbacks.
The new pope is expected to lead Catholic youth in pep rallies this summer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during a pilgrimage that would take the world's first pope to be born in South America back to his home continent.
It also needs to be extremely thorough, as leaving infection in badger populations is unfair to the badgers that are to be born in the future, or which migrate over time into the cull area, as they will become infected by the populations that we haven't cleaned up.
But we were lucky enough to be born in a country where here, everybody gets a fair shot, everybody does their fair share, everybody plays by the same set of rules -- no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, no matter what your last name is, you can make it here if you try.
Even more disappointingly, it was run by a giant and orderly bureaucracy, in which spirits had to ask permission and list their motives if they wished to contact mediums and had to stand in line, waiting for a clerk to find suitable parents, in order to be born again.
ECONOMIST: Hans Holzer, ghost hunter, died on April 26th, aged 89
"Our family was born to be working in the business, our father gave us no choice, " chuckles Sy-Coson (known as Tessie to her friends), who first worked part-time as a cashier in an sm store while a college student.
Ana Tiwary, a filmmaker in her early 30s who lives in Sydney, moved to the city from the United States to be with her Australian-born husband in 2007.
The cubs, who are believed to have been born in November, will eventually be transferred to a sanctuary within the Shamwari Game Reserve in South Africa.
To be born with a silver spoon in your mouth is not always an advantage.
An estimated 200 children are believed to be born with the genetic disorder in the U.S. each year.
No longer would you need to be a first-born male in a wealthy family, in many cases descended from nobility, it order to inherit property and financial security.
FORBES: Should Rich Families Leave Their Wealth to Their Children?
Perfect for your silver anniversary or golden birthday, this escape proves you don't have to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth to enjoy a radiant retreat.
This achievement gap has not been closed by the time youngsters are ready to leave secondary schools - with August-born teenagers 20% more likely to be in vocational rather than academic study after school.
The success was swiftly followed by the announcement that he was to be the father to Madonna's second child, Rocco, born in August 2000.
"Whereas if you are born in the year of the Bull, born in winter, these people need to be out front meeting people and being aggressive, " he adds.
It all came to an abrupt halt in May 2009, when Douglas was aboard Born to Be during the Arlington Matron Handicap.
"There was "Proud to be an American, " "Born in the USA, " some Taylor Swift songs and lots of music with "America" in them, " she said.
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But it will be harder for the foreign-born descendants of Canadians to become citizens: in future, only the first generation would be able to do so automatically.