And that was despite the fact that the two firms' bosses, Sir Richard Sykes and Jan Leschly, were considered to be close friends.
"I'm always going to be close to Celtic because one of my best friends in football is Neil Lennon, " said Bellamy.
The private ceremony will take place at Holly Terrace in The Great Mausoleum at Glendale Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California, and "will be limited to family and close friends, " the statement said.
When Facebook users logged on to the Find Friends Nearby site, they were supposed to be able to see friends and other Facebook users who were in close proximity.
One of the oddest things about the UN climate process is the way it virtually forces countries with diametrically opposed interests to huddle close and pretend to be friends.
Mr. RONALD KESSLER (Chief Washington Correspondent, I just cannot visualize how anybody could be close friends with someone, not to mention going to these sermons, unless he did, in fact, agree with some of those comments.
Likewise, almost two-thirds would be happier making less money and living close to their friends, rather than more money in a city of strangers.
Knowing Trump and his seething temper, some close friends wonder how forgiving he will be to the kids should any deals collapse.
Qualifying service men and women may also be given free round trip airline tickets to enable their family or close friends to visit them while they are being treated at the medical center.
FORBES: 12 Days of Charitable Giving 2012: Fisher House Foundation
Whitney Kropp, a self-described outcast with just a handful of close friends at Ogemaw Heights High School, was picked to be the female representative of the sophomore class royalty.
Other former officers, such as General Arevalo, who are no friends of his but are close to Mr Portillo, may be working to protect the army.
Hurd himself, said by a source close to the matter to be fielding new job offers, may think about bringing along esteemed friends at HP.
With the deal set to close in three days, the Singh brothers leaned on the owners, who happened to be old family friends.
He expresses an ease with the officer, saying he hoped they could be friends, that he thought Spiro was a great policeman, and that he had felt close to him ever since his arrest.