"We are not anymore a team that has to be considered to be young, " he added.
Anything that is considered important enough to be passed to the future can be considered to have heritage value of some kind.
One approach might be to say that in order to be considered a major planet, a body needs to be larger than a certain diameter.
Baroness Grey-Thompson, a crossbencher, expressed her fear that disability benefit reforms could result in some people being "considered not disabled enough to be supported but considered to be too disabled by society to play a full part in it".
There has also been persistent speculation by historians that during World War II, Pope Pius XII drew up a document stating that if he were to be kidnapped by the Nazis he was to be considered to have resigned, and a successor should be chosen.
John Kerry have campaigned not just to be president but to be considered regular guys--despite the fact that, as is well known, both are children of privilege.
Paul believes some cars cost more to upkeep and wants those drivers of those cars to be eligible for ridesharing and not to be considered commercial vehicles.
FORBES: SideCar Acquires Austin's HeyRide, Launches In Los Angeles, Austin, Philadelphia
Any recommendation by the consultant must be disclosed to the board prior to the meeting, in order to be considered at the meeting.
FORBES: The Duty To Investigate Pension Consultant Conflicts (September 1, 2001)
Sending the bill to the Examiners would allow those cases to be considered and exceptions could be made "not by what appears to be the fiat of the government without explanation".
The survivors said they were promised that new legislation would be brought in to close what they considered to be a legal loophole.
BBC: Donagh child abuse: McDermotts 'may have further victims'
The timeframe for something like this is well established based on the kinds of procedures that need to be considered, the criteria that need to be weighed in a decision-making process like this.
In Tinseltown, a film must be able to recover its production budget to be considered a box office success.
This would be rather like the stance taken on abortion, considered by some to be morally wrong, but which is legal, and considered by most people to be the woman's prerogative.
Fracing was largely innovated in the United States by smaller energy companies willing to take risks to get to deposits in fields considered to be depleted.
The fastest way to create more jobs in America then is to increase our exports to the fastest-growing parts of the world, which happen to be in Asia, where slow growth is considered to be 4 percent, and the highest growth I found so far is 25 percent per year, Q.
St Therese said she intended to use her time in heaven to do good on Earth, and she was considered to be an effective bridge to God.
But the judge rejected the use of the technique because it was not yet seen to be at a sufficiently scientific level to be considered evidence.
On Wednesday, listeners to Wright's daily afternoon Radio 2 show heard the presenter trail Sunday's programme - adding dedications needed to be submitted by noon on Thursday to be considered for inclusion.
Under new rules to be introduced in April 2013, checks will no longer be routinely carried out on premises considered to be low risk, like shops.
Now that the United States seems to have committed itself to developing offensive cyberwar capabilities to a degree heretofore unseen, I would like to add another question to the list of many that need to be considered as the developers of cyberwar doctrine and strategy go about their work.
Ridgewood's existing engineering GCSE is over-subscribed, something children "aspire to": they have to be recommended by their maths, technology and science teachers to be considered for a place.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Students offered GCSE in building
The police said they had also found other documents on issues ranging from former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to Freemasonry, but these were not considered to be of interest to the inquiry.
We talked to formal and informal leaders to find out what they considered to be the greatest needs in their community.
The supply to large supermarkets is considered to be a separate market and not subject to complaint.
Spaniards are proud to be in the euro, willing to sacrifice to meet the targets, embarrassed to even be considered bailout material.
These tools may be useful in identifying people considered to be industry experts who would be of value to engage with and might be able to help spread your brands message.
FORBES: Klout Vs. Kred: Which, If Any, Is Better For Your Business?
Education Secretary Michael Gove says he aims eventually to rework the equivalent scores given to vocational courses, with some still be considered to be worth at least one GCSE.
In Tinseltown, a film must be able to at least recover its production budget to be considered a box office success.
Under English law, an attempt to exclude the courts from their effort to interpret the law is considered to be against public policy.