But there is still some way to go, and a lot of cases to be culled.
Union leaders have called for livestock on other farms on the island to be culled as well.
About 200 Canada geese are to be culled in the Lake District.
Meanwhile, Ulster Unionist MEP Jim Nicholson has called on Mrs Rodgers to immediately resolve the dispute over the burial of animals to be culled in an extended precuationary slaughter in south Armagh.
It was the first of 118 cases which spread to farms - first across the north Wales island and then onto swathes of Powys and Monmouthshire with thousands of animals having to be culled.
His comments came after the assembly ordered that all animals which spent time at the mart after 19 February - and all animals which came into contact with them - are to be culled.
"There is only a proportion of the animal population here that is susceptible to the disease, but it is not entirely clear how much of the animal collection would have to be culled should the outbreak reach Edinburgh Zoo, " he said.
Bob Parry of the Farmers Union of Wales said that the issue of pedigree sheep had been discussed and consideration would be given to whether they could avoid being culled with the other sheep due to be killed.
They say that data on deer numbers and those culled need to be continually reviewed to assess whether culling levels need to be adjusted.
Update: Boy Genius Report has scored some other 3.0-culled goodies, including what appears to be voice dialing ("Voice Control" as they're calling it), a digital battery strength readout, and further evidence of video support.
Counsel for the Scottish Executive Gerry Moynihan QC told Lord Clarke he was unable to give an undertaking that the condemned animals would not be culled.
Though investors routinely buy mature timberland, trees must be replaced as they are culled, and saplings take time to grow.