As much of the ensuing debate seemed to be devoted to who was to blame as to the basic issue itself.
It used to be devoted to plotting out and course-correcting my itinerary.
But it will improve the bottom line profits while liberating resources to be devoted to new and better initiatives with higher returns for shareholders.
In last year's budget, George Osborne introduced a new norm of 10% of any bequest to be devoted to charity in return for a 10% discount on inheritance tax.
The UN General Assembly proclaimed the year commencing on 10 December 2008 as the International Year of Human Rights Learning, to be devoted to activities to broaden and deepen human rights learning.
But when I was working in the area of investment banking I was putting in very long hours and it became increasingly clear to me that if I was devoting that amount of time and energy to something, then I wanted it to be devoted to something that would have a bigger and positive impact on the world.
FORBES: Microfinance 101 -- Part 1 Of 3: Microfinance For Women
For Lancashire Sings Christmas to work this had to be an hour devoted solely to the carol service.
BBC: Interactive carol service as Lancashire Sings Christmas
The people in charge of a prison ought to be completely devoted to serving the public and the rule of law.
It's funny how the people who claim to be most devoted to the proposition that men and women are equal also are most devoted to the notion that all women do, or should, think alike.
But it is as well to keep in mind that many intellectuals in the West still consider capitalism to be immoral: too devoted to a vulgar worship of money, too dependent on greed, too deeply founded on adversarial individualism.
Our economy would improve if the resources devoted to the real estate market could be devoted to other, more needed industries.
For all the focus in the past few years on what went wrong in the financial crisis and what needs to be fixed, equal or more time should be devoted to creating worthy investment and risk-taking opportunities.
Our brains move known causal patterns to long-term storage so that our attention can be devoted to learning new things.
And Clinton convinced Netanyahu to agree that the next round of negotiations will be devoted strictly to a discussion of the breadth and depth of Israeli land surrenders.
But regular corn-based ethanol is unlikely to be the fuel choice of American motorists anytime soon--not least because only so much farmland can be devoted to growing corn for ethanol without denting food production.
Rather than talk about spending cuts, he prefers to urge tax cuts, even though America's budget surplus would be better devoted to shoring up Social Security.
The keyboard eats up space that could be devoted to a bigger screen, of course.
Not just money, but also time -- it must be devoted to non-frivolous activities.
Should taxpayers' money be devoted to keeping grandmother alive for an extra month in an intensive-care unit?
Another would be devoted to Wynyard Hall, where Ms. Ireland spent holidays with her childhood friend Cosima.
You would think that a big proportion of their 3, 200 employees would be devoted to the area.
FORBES: Facebook Makes Nothing from Mobile Now and Seems to Have Ignored It All Last Year
One disk will be devoted to the single player and the second to the multiplayer portion of the game.
It means that some of that money can be devoted to deficit reduction.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan
Most important, when the workshop convenes again, at least half the time and effort should be devoted to understanding the economics of cybercrime.
In this context, an important aspect of its work will be devoted to international cooperation and partnerships between the public and private sectors.
The president says that the budget surplus should be devoted to shoring up Social Security, which is projected to go bankrupt in 2029.
Carrying enough fuel for rapid transit of large oceans takes up a tremendous amount of space and weight that could be devoted to carrying cargo.
Afternoon sessions will be devoted to the interpretation of data and to lectures by renowned underwater archaeologists and naval historians from Argentina, Cuba and Spain.
Approximately half of the applications will be devoted to feature phones, a significant number in a market that has, to date, been overwhelmingly focused on smartphones.
ENGADGET: LG Application Store aims to sate WinMo, Android and featurephone users alike