Secondly, you can fully expect the Vice President to be engaged in this process.
Brazil of the 21st century will continue to be engaged in the promotion of harmony in its region.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama, President Rousseff Meet in Brasilia
Anonymous and the group calling itself Backtrace Security seem to be engaged in a campaign of mutually-assured anonymity destruction.
FORBES: Anonymous And Ex-Anonymous Hackers Wage A War Of Identification
The top officers of the Pope organizations can seem to be engaged in a perpetual game of musical chairs.
The project started in 2008 and aims at developing a graduate-level education programme for professionals to be engaged in sustainable development in Africa.
For example, Root-Berenstein notes that Nobel Prize winning scientists are far more likely to be engaged in the arts as adults than non-Nobel laureates.
The Shahabuddins, the very last of Pipar's 100-odd families who used to be engaged in dyeing and printing, are working to keep it alive.
Inc. and Softbank Corp. continue to be engaged in constructive negotiations, and we have made substantive and encouraging progress toward an agreement regarding Alipay.
FORBES: Yahoo, Alibaba, Softbank Still Talking On Status Of Alipay
Other than JetBlue 's much publicized ice storm fiasco in February, customers seem to be engaged in a general rage against the industry machine.
Unfortunately, I am referring not just to the war in Afghanistan that we continue to be engaged in, for the time being at least.
Lobbying firms in Washington are said to be engaged in frenetic activity on behalf of private insurers, encouraging congressmen and senators to resist radical reform.
ECONOMIST: Barack Obama tries to sell health-care reform to doctors
The Bush administration appears to be engaged in a lively internal debate over what to do with the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
They are also less likely to be engaged in accounting shenanigans.
Many individuals in the society we live in today have come to rely maybe a little to much in these technologies, therefore always having to be engaged in them.
And these days, Argentine wineries with a taste for risk seem to be engaged in a game of chicken: You're going to try to ripen grapes (and dodge hail) at that crazy altitude?
We think quotas actually, as Trevor Phillips says, I think quotas end up patronising but there is no question that we want more people from ethnic minorities to be engaged in frontline politics.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Interview with Iain Duncan Smith MP, Conservative Party leader
It is interesting to note that while Apple is being attacked my many, only their legal department appears to be engaged in warlike activity. the company itself remains solidly focused on customers and markets.
Other than JetBlue 's (nasdaq: JBLU - news - people ) much publicized ice storm fiasco in February, customers seem to be engaged in a general rage against the industry machine.
Specifically, the public will need to be engaged in a comprehensive civil defense initiative, designed to provide greater collective protection for American communities and to facilitate their evacuation where possible in the wake of attacks with weapons of mass destruction.
And when we looked at some of the "likers" - for my virtual bagels and for some other pages - quite a few of them seemed to be engaged in "liking" everything they saw, with thousands of businesses benefitting from their admiration.
But as of that time, there was nothing that the DNI needed to do or to be engaged in that would have required him to set aside other pressing intelligence matters to get briefed on things that were being put out in the press.
And that's why it's so important for everybody to be engaged in the various initiatives that are going to be coming up -- to make sure that what you just articulated, the need to invest in our kids, that that is reflected in terms of state budgets.
To address challenges facing youth, it is crucial to work in these kinds of partnerships as their issues are multifaceted and empower young people to be fully engaged in their societies.
The company continues to be actively engaged in the formation of Newco and is in the process of implementing the work necessary to complete the separation and close the Microsoft transaction.
ENGADGET: Barnes & Noble's Q4 and FY 2012: revenue up, losses up, hopes Microsoft hurries up
She was alert, but did not appear to be actively engaged in her case.
CNN: Andrea Yates case: Expert: Mom believed she was battling Satan
They would like the United States to be more engaged in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, he said.
CNN: Obama: U.S., Saudi Arabia have 'strategic relationship'
Holding federal judges feet to the fire and asking them to be more engaged in the process of evaluating the government's claims, even though I think the Supreme Court has said repeatedly that they are not entitled to that, I think that they ought to do more of that.
However, I would suggest that they are no more likely to engage in such practice as they are more likely to be revealed in the press to have engaged in those practices.
FORBES: Dirty Pictures And The Internet: A Guide for Dummies
Until we do know, we will be unable to articulate to our employer what we need in order to be engaged.
This should not have to be explained to serious professional adults engaged in business today.
FORBES: Microsoft's Cynical Response to Google's Patent Post