France continued to be influenced by products in transit and therefore recorded growth higher than the world average.
And while data can be encrypted in transit, they have to be decrypted while a hard drive does its work.
Russia can be expected to exact a steep price in transit fees and pilotage.
How difficult would that be to accomplish on the public transit system in your town?
If you then now reduce the vehicle traffic that is allowed across the Alps, how is that shortfall going to be made up, other than a reduction in the total number of goods that are allowed to transit?
Also, Belize has a problem with violent crime, much of it drug-related, and the trafficking of narcotics to the US. In 2011 Belize was added to a US blacklist of countries considered to be major producers or transit routes for illegal drugs.
It says the blockade is needed to stop the transit of weaponry to be used by militants in attacks on Israel.
Scientists say the findings -- to be published in Nature on Thursday -- can help improve public transit systems and even fight contagious diseases.
ENGADGET: Study secretly tracked 100,000 cellphone users' locations
Deputy Hales says privately owned buses careened thru Santiago's streets, belching black smoke and competing for passengers in what appeared to be more a high-speed chase than a mass transit system.
Jay Pasachoff, an astronomer at Williams College, in Massachusetts, and a member of Dr Schneider's team, will be observing the transit of Venus from Thessaloniki, in Greece, to test this theory.
In an advanced system, transit system operators would be able to notice bus bunching conditions before the buses meet, give green lights to the front bus and alert riders to the presence of emptier buses following the first.
In my hometown of Boston, it would be nearly impossible, due to the fact that I live in the suburbs and the transit system is based on the same hub-and-spoke system the airlines employ.
Dan Garodnick, the City Council member for the area, said more mass transit and other city services might be needed to handle the thousands of additional workers in the new buildings.
Union leaders hinted that workers might be encouraged to follow those rules in the coming weeks but haven't adopted any specific plans of action, a transit union official said.