Many of the officers promoted under Mr Cubas were said to be loyal to General Oviedo.
But authors, playwrights and actors tend to be loyal to their agents, rather than the firms that employ them.
ECONOMIST: Will Britain's oldest literary agency slowly fade away?
The result is a value obsessed economy where consumers have no incentive to be loyal to any particular brand.
FORBES: 7 Tips for Building Brand Loyalty in a Discount Obsessed Market
If the US wants to win the hearts of the Pakistani nation they have to be loyal to the Pakistani people.
Influential Conservative commentator Tim Montgomerie replied that he thought this was a controversial thing for a PPS to say, given they are expected to be loyal to the government.
According to a survey conducted by an international organization in 2008, roughly seventy per cent of the colonels and generals in the Afghan Army appeared to be loyal to Khan.
The study was not designed to evaluate the merits or shortcomings of any individual study, rather it suggests in the aggregate, that researchers seemed to be loyal to the hands that feed them.
Today only a handful of big firms have the sort of board that seems hand-picked to be loyal to the boss, chief among them being News Corporation, says Paul Hodgson of GMI, a corporate-governance ratings firm.
ECONOMIST: How can you tell a good board of directors from a bad one?
It has often been noted how long it took for the Burgess, Maclean, and Philby cases to dislodge the assumption that a certain class of person was more likely to be loyal to his country than the rest.
Angelenos tend to be intensely loyal to their own neighbourhoods but indifferent to the surrounding megalopolis.
We prohibit government officials from trading cash for favors because we want our government to be exclusively loyal to the interests of the general public as reflected by our laws and elected officials.
"My oligarch" has sworn to be quiet and be loyal - and to share out some of his gains - the latter point being critical.
BBC: NEWS | Have Your Say | Is a new autocratic Russia emerging?
They are not necessarily saying that they are motivated to be productive, but they may be saying that they will be loyal to the company and speak well of it to others.
Yes, it would be nice to reward loyal fans for doing their best to make the game environment a better place, but how might this be taken advantage of to score free product?
FORBES: Valve's Gabe Newell Suggests Player-Merit Pricing Model
Ms. Scheiner espouses the economic benefits to the large, national employers she is looking to target: She says individuals with Asperger's tend to be loyal employees and focused.
WSJ: Donor of the Day: Marcia Scheiner Launces Program to Help Asperger's Patients Keep Jobs
He is now believed to be hiding with troops loyal to him in Virunga National Park.
Some of the new rules are simply that things that some of the things our parents taught us, which were to be loyal, reliable, patient, keep your nose to the ground and good things come to those who wait, and give people the benefit of the doubt.
The former chancellor has tried to be a loyal Conservative while reserving his right to campaign for a cause which he considers above party.
The break-up of the Arellano gang will strengthen the arguments of Mr Fox, who will play host to Mr Bush next week, that Mexico deserves to be treated as a loyal ally on matters such as migration and border security.
Search engine users also tend to be very loyal and once they have found a site they feel they can trust tend to stick with it.
BBC: Many people stick with one search engine such as Google
Consumers may be loyal to what they buy, and even how they buy it, but not how they pay.
FORBES: Starbucks Is Reinventing the Role of Payments. Will Payments Leaders Take Notice?
Agus Wirahadikusumah, who in December had declared that troops should be loyal to the state, not to one general.
While coupons are not necessary for the JCPMarketPlace I suggest a special letter be sent to loyal customers on a monthly basis.
Martinez has also been linked with Real Sociedad, back in Martinez's native Spain, but Jenkins says his manager would be loyal to Swansea in any case.
Even modest stockholders tend to be more loyal consumers, spending about 50% more than non-shareholders, and referring twice as many people to the product.
Customers may be loyal to the referring site rather than to Amazon, and if some other bookseller offers a better deal, the site may transfer its allegiance.
If company engineers and marketers who develop new product ideas can sense that their jobs will eventually be farmed out, why should they be loyal to the company?
For a start, the office-expense scandals that tainted members of Mr Abe's first government could spread to the entire political establishment: with politicians less able to distribute public largesse these days, fiddling petty expenses is, short of reaching into one's own pocket, almost the only way to be able to entertain loyal constituents when they come calling in Tokyo.
Titles like Guild Wars 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic are slated to make big splashes in the MMO arena, and it might be time for Blizzard to start rewarding loyal players with new and useful features, rather than charging for them.
FORBES: New World of Warcraft Dungeon Feature Costs Money, Upsets Players
Many Tunisians assumed the culprits to be members of shadowy, rearguard units loyal to the ousted president.