And they tend to be married to more worldly women than management wives used to be.
He said it felt "terrifying but wonderful" to be married after so many years.
However, he is known to be married with three children and is a jazz enthusiast.
Kudos to every man in America who is strong enough to be married to a "career woman!"
My sons are now engaged to be married and I am busy preparing for their wedding ceremonies.
May I ask you, Madame Lambert, what it is like to be married to a great magician?
Taylor's grandfather, Larry Stephens, said Taylor was engaged to be married, with a wedding planned for May.
People with short stature have been identified in non-cancer populations as less likely to be married, Kadan-Lottick said.
It could just be that healthier people are more likely to be married.
Conservatives are twice as likely as liberals to be married and twice as likely to attend church every week.
Mr Havelange's daughter used to be married to Ricardo Teixeira, the much-criticised head of the Confederation of Brazilian Football.
And those HBS entrepreneurs are happier, wealthier, and more likely to be married to their original spouse than their peers.
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Age at which they desired to be married was 30.4 years (previously 30.0) for men, and 28.4 (previously 28.1) for women.
At the time of his abduction, he had been living in Pakistan for nearly a year and was engaged to be married.
One girl, Taz, refused to be married at 14 years old and is familiar with the trauma of being threatened with marriage.
Swindon Crown Court heard he had to be married and living in Army quarters with his wife to be eligible to claim.
That is in sharp contrast to 1960, when the most educated and the least educated were about equally likely to be married.
Using the API you can reach people who like yoga, organic gardening and are engaged to be married in the New York area.
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You need to be married for 10 years in order to collect spousal and survivor benefits from your ex-spouse if you get divorced.
Over the Christmas holiday, Mr Hefner announced he was to be married for the third time, to his 24-year-old girlfriend, model Crystal Harris.
The protagonist, Ross Poldark, returns from war to find that his father is dead and his betrothed is now arranged to be married to his cousin.
Many listeners melt with sympathy, none more so than Annie (Meg Ryan), in Baltimore, shortly to be married and none too happy about it.
Lionel Jospin, France's Socialist prime minister, who happens to be married to a philosopher with feminist leanings, has decided to press the feminists' cause.
The Knot announced last week that a Los Angeles couple was selected to be married in New York City's Bryant Park on Valentine's Day.
As if to underline the incestuous tangle of celebrity Britain, the obvious successors to both Gazza and Miss Halliwell are engaged to be married.
The Fresno woman was slated to be married in June, and she and her friends had hired the Lincoln for her bachelorette party, Nicolas said.
As indicated, you need to be married for 10 years in order to collect spousal and survivor benefits from your ex-spouse if you get divorced.
"Couples are coming from as far away as New York and Minnesota to be married here, " San Francisco's City Hall official told the AFP news agency.
She yearned to be married and to have a family of her own, but time and again, tragedy intervened to put an end to those hopes.