Companies used to be relaxed about finding enough qualified people to run their operations.
For this to happen, the strict rules regulating domestic firms would need to be relaxed, perhaps over five years.
It wrote to the immigration minister Liam Byrne asking for the rules to be relaxed for catering workers from Bangladesh.
But security is likely to be relaxed after the Paralympics, which will be held in Beijing between September 6th and 17th.
If he plays it safe, Mr Koizumi will bring in a law that allows the rules to be relaxed only temporarily.
The Europeans would probably like the restrictions to be relaxed even further.
Fishing crews are pushing for the limits to be relaxed but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) insists on a precautionary approach.
There are lots of sensible reasons for traders to be relaxed.
Mrs May allowed some checks on European travellers to be relaxed but says Mr Clark went further, scaling back checks on non-EU nationals without her approval.
Ed Miliband, Labour's overall leader, is said to be relaxed about that, but backbench Labour MPs from Scotland, who regard their Edinburgh colleagues as clueless, are not.
This new option was taken up most eagerly by young people, who are more likely to have parents of mixed race and are more likely to be relaxed about admitting it.
And policemen manning checkpoints in Baghdad have told the BBC that you need to be relaxed to use the ADE-651 and that it does not work properly if the user is stressed or has a high heart rate.
Still, by his ninth decade on planet Earth, Armstrong seemed to be more relaxed in public and generally more visible than he used to be.
But for the moment the Ulster Unionist leader is the one player in Northern Ireland's political drama who seems to be uncharacteristically relaxed.
The greatest compliment you can pay your host is to be attentive, relaxed, and appreciative.
Mark Saunders, a royal biographer, said he had bumped into the new king and found him to be personable and relaxed.
Separately, Mr Crozier has argued that the Royal Mail's universal service obligation - under which it is required to charge a single price to deliver letters anywhere in the UK - should be relaxed in order to help it compete in the deregulated market.
One way to help overcome these problems would be to persuade people to accept relaxed safety standards.
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Prudential regulations on pension funds' investment can be relaxed to allow more investment in private securities.
Shoppers who receive a coupon were found to be more happy and relaxed.
But if you think Apple's typical hyper-controlling approach to its world will be relaxed during Cook's coffee klatch, think again.
Should bidding rules be relaxed to accommodate long-term economic development deals?
The issue over whether the rules should be relaxed to allow independent television companies to own a larger market share is being seen as crucial for the future of UK broadcasting.
It added that the results showed the countryside continued to be difficult to police and attitudes towards security sometimes remained relaxed.
The Treasury rules which currently make it impossible to reinvest profits from workshops will be relaxed.
Wang himself told reporters after the examination that he felt relaxed and happy to be free.
These form part of the Section 106 agreements but the coalition government has said these can be relaxed in order to facilitate the construction of new homes.
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"Really, that's what comes out when I'm relaxed and not pretending to be someone else, " he says.
Overall the atmosphere is very relaxed and things seem to be going smoothly.
The island is likely to be designated a special economic zone with relaxed hydrogen regulations within 2003, so that in 2004 the first hydrogen buses and cars will be running.