The message appears to be the same as that released by a UK-based Islamic website, Waaqiah, on Friday.
The best way to become irrelevant is to be the same as everyone else.
Previously, auto layout was interpreting the bottom of a UILabel to be the same as its baseline.
ENGADGET: Apple seeds iOS 6 beta 4 to developers: here's the changelog
The format for Round Three was supposed to be the same as that of the First Debate.
Meanwhile, accountants are lobbying Congress to reduce their penalty standard to be the same as for taxpayers.
Studies show our waking cycles to be the same as our sleeping cycles, which move in 90 minute rhythms.
Raises are predicted to be the same as they were in 2010, down from the actual raise measured in 2011.
Mika also revealed he was considering renaming the album, which was expected to be the same as the single, We Are Golden.
And you wouldn't expect him to be the same as everyone else.
He said the union had realised an agreement it had made in the mid-90s, when virtually no trains ran on Boxing Day, had "become devalued" as the number of trains running on Boxing Day had increased to be the same as any other day of the week.
The BBC's political correspondent Carole Walker said Ms Blears, Mr Hoon and Mr Purnell all appeared to have complied with the same rules which state MPs can nominate a secondary residence for capital gains purposes - and that this does not have to be the same as the designated second home on which MPs draw expenses.
"You don't expect the income of the middle class in Africa to be the same as the United States, but it shouldn't be so overstretched that it may lose its meaning, " he adds, noting that the African middle class should define itself not only in relation to the continent but also in relation to international standards of consumption.
"If you are looking at trying to get the interests of the insurance company to be essentially the same as a consumer who is getting that health insurance, then the cooperative is the way to do that, " Oemichen said.
Groups such as the Chamber of Commerce have pushed for guest workers to be paid the same as American workers, depending on their training and experience.
In total, 45% said they expected their terms of borrowing to be about the same as before, whilst 29% thought better terms would be possible and 25% thought terms would be worse.
Nonetheless, if you look at the latest budget projections, the deficit for next year (fiscal 2011) is expected to be about the same as the deficit for this year and last year.
In net terms, emissions are likely to be much the same as they would have been without a significant shift to gas, provided that goverments stand by all the commitments they have made to curb carbon emissions.
On his feet he wore a pair of red moccasins, and his socks (imagine wearing socks on the island) seemed to be the same color as his trousers, but, again, that might have been the effect of the moonlight on the water.
Balding told the PCC that she was not demanding special treatment, but just wanted to be treated the same as everybody else.
Those who wish to see the arch rise again want it to be of the same scale as the original.
This is going to be the same size as the Angel of the North.
Gollum used to be the same size as the Hobbits (remember him wrestling with Sam and Frodo?).
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Despite their very different philosophies about the role of government, Reagan wanted to be seen as the same kind of leader as FDR.
While specific states within USA differ a lot, people that live in LA consider themselves to be the same nation as those living on the east coast.
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If subcontractors are to be entitled to the same benefits as permanent staff, many of those firms will either shut down, move abroad, or replace more of their workers with machines.
When he launched the first simulation, I found myself standing in what appeared to be the same room as before, but there was a deep rectangular pit in front of my feet.
"You have to work twice as hard to be seen as the same, " Paul says.
The party's health spokeswoman Alison McInnes called for the bug to be given the same attention as MRSA and C.diff.
BBC: Norovirus caused more than 1,000 Scottish ward closures
The finished product is expected to be about the same size as a Rubik's cube and, said its creators, would let owners get at its innards to make their own modifications and write their own games.
Hopping over to the About screen, he was shocked to discover that the device was running ICS. The firmware appears to be operating on the same baseband as the screenshots leaked a few weeks ago, but it's running on an updated build (IRK48) and kernel (3.0.1).
ENGADGET: Ice Cream Sandwich gets a two-minute tour, courtesy of a lucky eBay shopper (video)