Well, unless the writer happens tobe the world expert on the subject underdiscussion, at least (something that only happens to me when I write about scandium).
But timing is of the essence because the current free trade agreements underdiscussion need tobe wrapped up by the end of March if they are tobe considered for fast-track approval.
In the matter underdiscussion, it will be somewhat misguided for legal counsel to argue facilely in defense of their U.S.corporate clients that the Shariah authorities were employed strictly to issue legal rulings on financial matters and all other rulings fall outside the scope of their employment.
Labour may be getting a bit hot under the collar over the UK government's reluctance to devote parliamentary time to a discussion of the Welsh government's revenue-raising abilities but peers have quietly got on with the job.
But what's been underdiscussion so far has included guarantees for minority rights, with a suggested requirement for contentious decisions tobe taken by a strongly weighted majority vote.