Ms. HARDY: Yes, I do - I was delighted to be with you last Friday.
Mr. MARK ZANDI (Chief Economist, Moody's It's good to be with you, John.
Anyway, it is a great honor to be with you here at Forsyth Technical Community College.
Mr. JOHN CLIFTON "JACK" BOGLE (Founder, The Vanguard Group): Good to be with you, Scott.
Professor GREGORY MANKIW (Former Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors): It's nice to be with you.
Mr. MIKE VOISIN (CEO, Motivatit Seafoods, Houma, Louisiana): It's good to be with you, Liane.
Dr. STEPHEN COHEN (Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, Brookings Institution): Good to be with you, Scott.
Mr. GREG RIDGWAY (Director, Center on Quality Policing): Glad to be with you today.
Mr. JIM KOCH (Founder, Boston Beer Company): It's a pleasure to be with you.
And I want to be honest with you -- I want to be honest with you.
It is such an honor and a thrill to be with you this morning.
It's amazing the crowds I draw. (Laughter.) It's great to be with you all today.
WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail
It is an honor to be with you today and to follow President Kikwete and President Bush.
Professor JARED DIAMOND (Geography and Physiology, University of California, Los Angeles): It's a pleasure to be with you.
Mr. GROVER NORQUIST (President, Americans for Tax Reform): Glad to be with you.
Ms. EMIRA WOODS (Institute for Policy Studies): Great to be with you, Michel.
It is a privilege to be with you, on a very personal level.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Mass Atrocities
Thank you so very much for having me, a public school teacher from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, here to be with you.
Even the lack of money can be used to control others (See how much I am giving up to be with you?).
FORBES: How Being A Control Freak About Money Blocks Intimacy
Professor GARY SICK (Columbia University): It's good to be with you, Steve.
Ms. MOLLY MOORE (Paris Correspondent, Washington Post): Happy to be with you.
Mr. DAVID YEPSEN (Des Moines Register): It's good to be with you.
To the members of Congress, members of the diplomatic corps, including Ambassador Michael Oren of Israel, we are glad to be with you.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Mass Atrocities
In the U.S. - and it's pretty similar in the UK - the average plate of food travels 1, 200 miles to be with you.
It is a great honor to be with you here today.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Mass Atrocities
Representative JOEL HEFLEY (Republican, Colorado): Hey, glad to be with you.
Ms. VIVECA NOVAK (Deputy Director, Good to be with you.
Professor DOUGLAS KMIEC (Law, Pepperdine University): Good to be with you.
Look, let me just tell you that I am more than honored and thrilled to be with you all here at Broward College, our wonderful host.
Yeah thank you very much, it's, I can only just hear you, we're having a few hearing problems here but it's nice to be with you this morning.