• Lower growth than that would make the public debt harder to bear and scare off the foreign capital that India needs to fund its current-account deficit and pay for its imported energy.

    ECONOMIST: India��s economy

  • The Oracle team, like Artemis on Thursday, had failed to pull off the tricky bear-away move, said Mr. Spithill, the Oracle team skipper.

    WSJ: Before America's Cup Capsize, Concerns About Safety

  • Amazingly, a large number seem ready to put the blame on themselves, and, as if to show that they bear the retail trade no hard feelings, they wander off peacefully down the road to do their shopping at a nearby Tesco instead.

    ECONOMIST: An ingenious satire on supermarkets has Czechs chuckling

  • Perhaps it is, but my take on it was that the additional plunge was sure to create another rally attempt off the oversold condition, but one that was likely to be only a brief bear market rally that would run into serious resistance at the 30-day m.a. again.

    FORBES: Gold Finally A Tarnished Asset After 12-Year Bull Run

  • When his friend Billy Calloway got a road bike, he got one too, and the pair would set off across the George Washington Bridge and up to Bear Mountain, utterly clueless, a single water bottle between them, Dave dressed in surfer shorts and wrestling shoes.

    WSJ: Cycling: Jason Gay: The Last Big Wheel of NYC

  • If you took that to be predictive, you missed a historically massive bounce off a bear market bottom and full-year returns of 26.5%.

    FORBES: Missing: January Effect Headlines

  • Mr Crandall may be heading off to his version of St Helena, but the industry will bear his stamp for some time yet.

    ECONOMIST: American Airlines loses its pilot

  • The more you immerse yourself in cold water, the more your body will adapt to the extreme temperature change, according to Tipton, who started off 2013 by donning Bermuda shorts and participating in a polar bear plunge in his hometown of Gosport, England.

    CNN: Are polar bear plunges good for you?

  • It would be an interesting exercise to privatize the eight Illinois River locks by simply auctioning them off to the highest bidder, who could then charge whatever toll the traffic would bear.

    FORBES: A river of subsidies

  • Then, on August 1 with the Dow at 12, 000, the bull market trend off the March 2009 broke to the downside and I declared the onset of a new bear market.

    FORBES: Earnings Season Preview: Google, Alcoa And Two Others

  • Although co-signing a loan can also help build your credit, bear in mind that you and your spouse or other co-signer are contractually obligated to pay off that money no matter what happens.

    FORBES: Stay at Home Moms Face Credit Card Challenges

  • But unlike Bear Stearns at least, Galena had virtually no leverage, so it isn't forced to sell off assets in a fire sale environment.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The problem for the banks is that turning off the life support machine on distressed property could cause too many losses for their balance sheets to bear.

    BBC: High Street taskforce aims to to rejuvenate retail

  • It would be an interesting exercise to privatize the eight Illinois locks by simply auctioning them off to the highest bidder, who would then be free to charge whatever toll the traffic would bear.

    FORBES: A river of subsidies

  • Were the present bull market to give way to another prolonged bear market, both states and firms might discover that the pensions burden they thought they had shaken off came back to haunt them.

    ECONOMIST: Passing the buck | The

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