Beijing has vociferously opposed efforts to bring in the world body to bear on the issue.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Why China isn��t helping disarm North Korea
What sort of analytics can be brought to bear on this model to create insights?
By consolidating spending on prevention, the Wellness Trust would bring resources to bear on high-priority services.
Arafat is trying to bring international pressure to bear on Israel to abandon the housing project.
Are you satisfied with the pressure that China has brought to bear on North Korea?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Hold a News Conference
"We've tried to bring modern science to bear on this ancient fruit, " says POM President Matthew Tupper.
The Chinese could bring intolerable pressure to bear on Pyongyang if they wanted to, and have not.
And that kind of focus is the focus he brings to bear on the priorities that he sets.
To help bring experience and resources to bear on problems that an entrepreneur may not have faced before.
Occasionally, though, hackers bring their full force to bear on a single target.
Then, whether natural or artificial, the full weight of synthetic biology can be brought to bear on the problem.
Instead, bring the power of your unconscious mind to bear on the problem.
FORBES: How to Master Yourself, Your Unconscious, and the People Around You -- 3
The gradually more insistent incursions of the second world war are deftly brought to bear on Lavinia's heady affair.
That, in all its simplicity, is the only general lesson that can be brought to bear on Asia's troubles.
Russia is bringing similar pressure to bear on Azerbaijan, Ukraine (1) and other parts of the former Soviet empire.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Watch This Space: Russian Military's Chits Being Cashed In
It is clear that no expense will be spared in bringing America's military might to bear on the black folks of Baltimore.
Most people blame the strains that recession, insane working hours and absent fathers bring to bear on the family.
Last year's Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference made little progress on bringing pressure to bear on Iran to mend its ways.
ECONOMIST: Banning the bomb will be hard, but not impossible
They say people like him and Anna Hazare actually do democracy proud by bringing citizens' pressure to bear on government.
Additional pressure is being brought to bear on the sector by large private-equity firms looking to find new places to park investor cash.
Those who monitor bracelets can also help bring pressure to bear on governments to find or release people abducted or jailed.
Like it or not, a slack market is the only market where Washington can credibly bring pressure to bear on Iran.
In the meantime, however, other means of bringing pressure to bear on the present, brutally repressive Chinese regime should be explored.
It remains an open question as to how much pressure the SEC will bring to bear on fund companies and fund directors.
Opposition politicians and civil-society activists hoping that the forthcoming EU presidency would bring outside pressure to bear on Fidesz have been disappointed.
We want to bring these values to bear on the international agenda.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Chancellor Merkel Press Conference
Conceivably, universities in other countries could apply for the rating center credential, bringing their local expertise to bear on relevant corporations and sovereigns.
Strong pressure is being brought to bear on likely rebels, and summonses to meet the chief whip and the PM are being issued.
Given SCAF's explicit disdain for the election results, we are also surprised that analysts expect these significantly to bear on the country's future.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Don't ignore electoral fraud in Egypt
The issues discussed in these groups are those of importance to members of the group and the talent brought to bear on them is impressive.