In tonight's Inside Out programme we've been looking at those who'll have to bear the responsibility of making that call and the pressures they're under.
Another challenge for the local contractors is that customers increasingly require them to bear the responsibility for any lawsuits filed by people who slip on icy pavements.
Rotta lays a large part of the blame for the current state of Italy on Mr Berlusconi's shoulders, saying that he had to bear the responsibility for "having failed to reform the country and the market as he promised, at a time when it would have been less painful".
Not defending the hacking in any way whatsoever: but The Guardian would seem to bear some of the responsibility for the closure of the News of the World for having got their original reporting wrong.
FORBES: News of the World Did Not Delete Milly Dowler's Voice Mails
To be sure, you assume myriad liabilities by directly acknowledging responsibility, yet an opportunity was nonetheless lost at the 30, 000-foot level to bear moral responsibility for the fiasco in a way that would not have legal impact.
While I suspect Americans will reach their own conclusions as to who should bear the greatest responsibility for security failures, if such failures are found to have existed, the issue of what the White House knew versus what they told us can be expected to dominate the conversation.
In the absence of a policy prescription that could prevent another Newtown, the President turned back to consolation, talking about the awesome responsibility we all bear to take care of our children.
FORBES: President Obama's Speech in Newtown: Leadership At Its Best
The Center for Security Policy today cited official German documents to rebut claims made in Washington this morning by visiting German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher, claims to the effect that his country's officials bear no responsibility for the transfer of militarily relevant technology to Iraq.
For one thing, he would not want to appear to bear any responsibility for the price of oil.
The Foreign Ministry "stresses that whoever the party that kidnapped him and whatever their motives, they bear the full responsibility to protect him and release him promptly, " the agency said.
But even if they do, the "Grand Compromise" should be unacceptable to those who bear, first and foremost, the responsibility for assuring the common defense -- the Nation's military leadership.
According to the treaty, states bear international responsibility for national activities in space, including by non-governmental entities.
Few stop to consider that corporate officers bear a legal fiduciary responsibility to shareholders to guard and build the corporations in which they have invested.
FORBES: Too Big To Fail Banks Crumble Before Greedy Federal Government In Mortgage Deal
Still, Mr. Collinge underplays the extent to which defaulters bear responsibility for their plight.
If North Korea is allowed to engage in similar tactics to secure still further concessions in the upcoming Four-Party talks, the Clinton Administration will bear responsibility for enabling Pyongyang further to avoid systemic reforms while building up its threatening military capabilities.
And then fifth is our overall alliances and partnerships in the region, and the responsibility that we bear to strengthen those.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Ben Rhodes and Admiral Robert Willard
In all three suits, the plaintiffs allege that among other abuses government soldiers forced them to work on construction jobs related to the pipeline, and that since such abuses were predictable, the pipeline consortium should bear responsibility for them.
ECONOMIST: The rising costs of doing business with a loathsome regime
Since the U.S. is prohibited by the Pakistani government from pursuing the Taliban into their country, Pakistan should bear the responsibility of crushing the Taliban bases, but instead has shown little eagerness to fight.
Apparently this scheme attempts to have only the banks and not the government bear responsibility for debt repayment.
And I say again, we all bear a heavy responsibility for the terrible damage to the reputation of this House.
There is plenty of blame to go around, as both government and opposition forces bear responsibility for the destruction and the collapse of security.
Democratic citizens know that they must bear the burden of responsibility for their society if they are to benefit from its protection of their rights.
People take risks, they bear the responsibility for those risks, and they're supposed to learn from them and do better next time, and that's how a healthy market grows.
The president had made the rule, it was briefed, he would bear responsibility for making an exception to it.
Savor that: In her determination to rationalize away the uncongenial truth of Patton's observations, Bahadur has spun herself into a denial that women bear any responsibility for initiating a relationship and an insistence that Prince Charming simply appear on the scene.