That leads to the second question: the future of all Daimler's businesses in sectors, such as aerospace, weapons and services, which suddenly seem not to belong in what has become a car company.
They are decisions of a kind for which the judiciary has neither aptitude, facilities, nor responsibility, and have long been held to belong in the domain of political power, not subject to judicial intrusion or inquiry.
The point is, Spain and Portugal in particular, belong to Europe in a way that German politicians cannot grasp.
But it has presented problems when it comes to working out which assets belong to whom in bankruptcy proceedings.
In stressful times people retreat to safer currencies, even if those currencies belong to the country in distress.
Almost all of the stars in it seemed to belong to one or another group moving in distinct paths.
For example, recent gains in the housing market have accrued mainly to people who happen to belong to the right generation and who own property in the right places.
"they belong to us and we belong to them" and therefore it is in NPR's best interest to serve them well.
If you have a friend that is adding you to groups you do not want to belong to, or they are behaving in a way that bothers you, you can tell them to stop doing it, block them or remove them as a friend and they will no longer EVER have the ability to add you to any group.
FORBES: Mark Zuckerberg Quits NAMBLA, And Facebook Downplays Privacy Criticisms Over Groups
In contrast with SNS usage in the U.S., Japanese users are more mobile-centric: in a population of 127 million, more than 100 million mobile phones in Japan belong to the 3G standard, about 30 million more than in the United States (with a population of 300 million).
FORBES: The Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Social Networking in Japan
The current wild beaver populations in Scotland either belong to the government-licensed Scottish Beaver Trial in Knapdale in Argyll, or are the descendants of escapees from private collections in Angus and Perthshire over the past decade.
World Heritage sites belong to all peoples in the world, regardless of the territory where they sit.
UNESCO: Brasilia hosts exhibition on World Heritage in Brazil
Telephone and cable TV services still belong to monopoly providers in most towns, but the airwaves are naturally conducive to competition.
"I just want to prove that I belong in the NFL and that I can win games in the NFL, " he said.
"When only 30% of the people belong to a church in a given city, then religious traditions face some backlash, " Mr. Kaschuba said.
If the 1980s and 1990s were the era of the suburban big box, he thinks the coming decade will belong to smaller chains in urban areas.
FORBES: Alger's Chung Sees Renewed China Growth Next Year -- After A Correction
Russia didn't belong to the West in the first place.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Post-Mortem on the Russian Elections: What 'Centrists'?
Between 10, 000 and 15, 000 angels are believed to belong to angel groups in the U.S., which spread risk around by syndicating deals between members, according to the Angel Capital Association.
The company hired replacement workers on Saturday to fill in for the strikers, who belong to the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), unveiling a backup plan it had quietly drafted 18 months ago.
In the hotel business, for example, there are excellent opportunities for managers to win their spurs especially in Europe, where only 20-25% of all hotels belong to big chains, compared with about 70% in America.
An amnesty has been offered to anyone handing in any stonework they suspect may belong to the original building.
Mr Howard is now painting Mr Rudd as a prisoner of the trade unions, Labor's traditional power base, in an era when only one-fifth of Australian workers belong to unions, and even fewer in the private sector.
NATO, to which both Greece and Turkey belong, should continue efforts to ease tensions in the Aegean.
And so, I feel that I belong to that tradition, in the sense these are immoral weapons.
If you belong to a private club in the area, feel free to invite the prospective boss there.
"I think we are about ready to return them to where they belong, back in nature, " Holly said.
Some belong to companies that specialize in buying and selling Internet addresses.
"OH 65 allows us to reshuffle the specimens that belong in the ancestral genus and tie together rudolfensis and habilis, " says Professor Blumenschine.
Mercosur, to which both countries belong, has long aspired roughly to balance trade in cars and car parts between the two.
Most shopkeepers in the area belong to the Urdu-speaking community that traditionally supports the MQM, which is part of the governing coalition in Sindh province.