Thousands of people packed into Newcastle city centre to bid a colourful farewell to 2012.
This is where they come to bid a final farewell to their dirty old workmates.
And yes: Quite a few of us bid a fond farewell to a first sweetheart.
In the capital 400 kilometers (250 miles) away, kings, princes and presidents bid a sorrowful farewell to Mitterrand at a requiem Mass in the Cathedral of Notre Dame.
Valverde, who moved to El Madrigal after Manuel Pellegrini joined Real Madrid in June, bid a sad farewell to his players on Monday.
On Sunday night, thousands of soldiers stood on the tarmac here, to bid farewell to a Canadian soldier who died in the line of duty.
And for the most part, the boos and chants were drowned out by ordinary members of the public who came to bid farewell to a woman who transformed Britain and, in some cases, their own lives.
After all, even the most bearish investor is ready to bid farewell to 2009 and toast to the hope of a brighter new year.
For devotees, it will signal a fond and snuffling farewell, as they bid adieu to a vast parade of clones, Ewoks, Darths, tragic hair styles, noble knights, and strangely fastidious androids.
But first, we bid a fond farewell to The New York Times' Circuits section, which ran for the last time this week.
ENGADGET: The Pipeline: Props to Circuits, Mossberg on ultralights, Wildstrom on the PSP
So as the sun sinks slowly over Jacobshorn and we bid a fond farewell to Davos, we are reminded why we came to this odd burg in the first place.
In the Lords (from 3pm) peers bid a less than fond farewell to the Electoral Registration and Administration Bill - the measure which had Conservative and Lib Dem ministers voting in opposing lobbies for the first time, last week.
Hundreds of people have visited Wellington Zoo to bid farewell to an emperor penguin who washed up on a New Zealand beach in June.
When media mogul Oprah Winfrey bid farewell to 25 years of The Oprah Winfrey Show in May, she left viewers with a cliff-hanger.
TORINO, Italy (CNN) -- Torino bid farewell to the Winter Olympics in much the same way as it greeted them: with a spectacular celebration featuring at times bizarre images mixed with an overriding sense of fun.
Later, senior Vatican officials and a detachment of the Swiss Guards, who by tradition protect the pope, will gather to bid him farewell as his helicopter takes off from Vatican City bound for the summer papal residence, Castel Gandolfo.