Built into a mountainside, the ultra-modern, Barcelona style is designed to blend into the landscape.
Scrape down the paddle and bowl, toss in the almonds and mix just to blend.
The latter was an underrated game which managed to blend survival horror with post-apocalyptic action.
The stress of trying to blend them together is putting the European project under severe strain.
So they again lobbied Congress to increase the amounts that oil companies were mandated to blend.
If he does go home to Bari, he hopes simply to blend in, he said.
Because the oil companies are also mandated to blend ethanol, the subsidy is mostly redundant.
For now, China has to blend Venezuela's oil with lighter crudes or sell it unrefined.
In Japan, the merged company has begun to blend these into a single service.
If she's been there for a while, then pretty much she's going to blend...
Windows 8 wants to blend the user experience between PCs and mobile as it includes touch capabilities.
It would be very interesting if Letterman started to blend more niche music with the big-name acts.
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He is producing elegant Italian reds to blend with and soften the punch of the Uruguayan totem.
No longer a personal gadget, the Palm device becomes a way to blend personal and corporate information.
Further, a number of ethanol plants are not operating because of Big Oil's refusal to blend more ethanol.
The main building has been restored using traditional techniques, so that its stone walls seem to blend seamlessly into the environment.
No, they are mandated to blend a certain amount, and if they fail to do so they are penalized.
Most of them try to blend in with China's own ethnic Korean communities near the border, and find work.
In 2010, oil companies were under legal mandate to blend 12 billion gallons of ethanol into the fuel supply.
You have to understand what it's like to blend two records together before you try to scratch a record.
Since the merger of Lenovo and IBM PC, the company has striven to blend the two into a single culture.
Gorilla Glass covers the front of the 8X and tapers slightly at the edges to blend into the colored polycarbonate.
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Whatever the gadgets to blend the two -- high-speed modems, Microsoft's WebTV, something else -- the public isn't ready yet.
"Nowadays, you try to blend in, " says Mr. Milici, who assesses oil and gas resources at headquarters in Northern Virginia.
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The House will engage in a similar process, though it has three different bills to blend into a combined version.
Brought on as a spear-carrier and expected to blend into the scenery, he proved a smash hit with the critics.
The hardware itself is fashioned out of metal that's designed to absorb surrounding colors, making it more likely to blend in.
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Visible from the Speyside Way walking trail, the new building is intended to blend in with the riverside and traditional architecture.
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Brown the vegetables lightly, 5 to 7 minutes, then stir in the tomato paste and cook for 1 minute to blend.
In fact, right here is exactly where generational characteristics start to blend.