To make matters worse, attempts by policymakers to boost domestic demand have had little effect.
BBC: Japan economy contracts as global slowdown hits exports
Policymakers, meanwhile, have found it tough to boost domestic demand enough to offset the weaker export demand.
Following the 1985 Plaza Accord, the Bank of Japan launched an aggressive monetary policy easing to boost domestic demand.
China would pursue steady policies and seek to boost domestic demand, he said.
The government needs to do more on fiscal side to boost domestic demand.
Likewise, countries with large surpluses must shift away from unhealthy dependence on exports and take steps to boost domestic demand.
Going forward, countries with large surpluses must shift away from an unhealthy dependence on exports and take steps to boost domestic demand.
True, family allowances are to be raised and modest earners given tax relief in line with Mr Lafontaine's aim to boost domestic demand.
The report said that falling solar subsidies in Europe and new Chinese government policies to boost domestic demand contributed to the fast growing China market.
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It has been a big hurdle in policymakers' attempts to boost domestic demand because consumers tend to put off purchases in the hope of a better deal in the future.
But as Mark Williams of Capital Economics says, central to Keynes's idea was that a tax be imposed on countries running large current-account surpluses, to encourage them to boost domestic demand.
As Japan has discovered, lower interest rates can do little to boost domestic demand if banks, saddled with bad loans, remain reluctant to lend, while debt-laden firms remain reluctant to borrow.
The issue has been a big hurdle in its attempts to boost domestic demand as consumers tend to put off purchases in hope of getting a better and cheaper deal later on.
These include trying to boost domestic demand with higher wages and lower taxes for the less well-off, to bully the Bundesbank into cutting interest rates, and to set target zones to stabilise currencies.
The consequence of plummeting exports and capital inflows is that the Chinese will turn inward and focus on using all of their resources, including their massive stock of international assets, to boost domestic demand.
Germany must help by doing more to boost its domestic demand.
So it was a pity that Lawrence Summers, America's deputy treasury secretary, felt obliged to complain last week that Japan was doing too little to boost its domestic demand and its imports from America.
Countries with external surpluses need to boost consumption and domestic demand.
If it falls below that figure, they argue, the country may find it more difficult to maintain domestic demand, boost infrastructure investment and accelerate job creation.
The idea is that, with more money being pumped into the system, coupled with a low cost of borrowing, consumers and businesses are more likely to increase their spending and boost domestic demand.
Mr Lafontaine pledged to roll back the (modest) cuts in social welfare made by the previous centre-right government, make energy dearer, close tax loopholes misused by the rich, and boost domestic demand to create jobs.
Add to that the enormous spending needed to provide social safety-nets and boost domestic demand.
Growing exports and robust domestic demand are expected to boost Poland's economic output this year by at least 4%, a rate that far outstrips the EU average.
WSJ: European Disunion: Euro's Allure Dims in Eastern Europe
That's twice the going rate in the gas-rich U.S. And Turkey, which imports some 90% of its oil and gas, desperately needs to boost domestic supplies to meet a predicted doubling of energy demand by 2020.
If these imbalances are to be unwound in an orderly way, China will have to build a social welfare system that reduces huge levels of precautionary saving and thus boost domestic demand.
It added that along with a pick-up in demand for international and domestic travel, cost-cutting measures were likely to help boost profit.