The public protector has risen out of the bureaucratic morass to become a breath of fresh air for a South African public clamouring for more accountability from their public servants and leaders.
It was shortly after that when the house's resident, David Henneberry, went out to his yard to get a breath of fresh air.
WSJ: Relief in Boston as New Details Emerge in Hunt for Suspected Bombers
Sometimes it makes sense to look outside of your normal circle to find ideas that might bring a breath of fresh air into an organization.
In an age where parents regularly have to explain the antics of former Disney stars to their children, Manzano is a breath of fresh air, a true class act.
"I think having someone who had a life outside the Church in business, who understands difficult, complicated issues, will bring a great breath of fresh air to the Church of England, " he said.
By partnering with nonfashion people, and requiring that we open only for one year, and limiting the amount of money spent on each shop, we brought a breath of fresh air to retail.
While cautious purchasers may choose to bide their time, the iPhone remains top-notch in many other respects, and its arrival at a number of prepaid carriers brought a breath of fresh air to an otherwise stagnant environment.
United Parcel Service delivered a breath of fresh air to those fearing the economy might take a turn for the worst, posting a 48% surge in fourth quarter profits on higher volumes, more competitive pricing, and the continuation of its share buyback program.
FORBES: UPS Bullish On Economic Recovery, Raises Guidance As Profits Surge 48%
Grandparents are invited to attend the production, called A Breath of Fresh Air, across 20 schools.
BBC: Carbon monoxide warning to pupils in play by Theatr na n'Og
Recall the breath of fresh air he brought to Compaq when he succeeded Eckhard Pfeiffer , who was fired as CEO in 1999.
"What he did in Wales in 2005 was like a breath of fresh air, " he said to applause from the audience.
The true statesmen is a breath of fresh air whose only pursuit is to improve the welfare of those they serve regardless of public opinion, or self-interest.
At this point, in order to breathe, our only option was to keep moving to an open space where we could take a deep breath of fresh air.
And their breath of fresh air may be just what a company needs to revitalize or break new ground.
FORBES: myYearbook: The $100 Million Startup Name You Need To Know
Despite the name, the story seems to be a Flash-centric story, which is by itself a breath of fresh air.
FORBES: 'Superman Unbound' And The Future Of The DC Animated Universe
"Catrin Finch is like a breath of fresh air and the harp has become a dynamic instrument to play once more, " said Mr Shiers.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | 'Finch effect' helps harp develop
To be sure, the 200-strong Commons intake of 2010 has been a breath of fresh air - most are energetic, smart and ambitious.
Tight prose is often wanting when it comes to fantasy, and a book like The Steel Remains is a breath of much-needed fresh air.
Mr Sarkozy's arrival, in itself, allows the EU to move up a gear after a period of stagnation, and his energetic personality could be a breath of fresh air.
On a related note, if you weren't yet sold on Google TV, a breath of fresh AIR might help -- Adobe told us it's presently pondering the correct time to add the cross-platform runtimes on Google's video streaming boxes as well.
ENGADGET: Adobe AIR 2.5 coming to Android in Q4 2010, but only to capable phones