"Don't try to bury it, " says Larry Compeau, professor of consumer behavior at Clarkson University.
He arrived at the summit declaring "The FTAA is dead and we are going to bury it here".
Waxman went before the U.S. Supreme Court last week to praise the Communications Decency Act, not to bury it.
When they say those things, it's clear that the Republicans come not to praise Medicare but to bury it.
His body remains in a sealed, gold casket in an undisclosed location awaiting a decision on where to bury it.
With some of it staying dangerous for up to 100, 000 years, the government's agreed solution is to bury it - permanently.
To bury it in a big hole in the ground, and pray that some future generation may discover how to make it safe, is simply passing the buck.
If he gets that chance, he's going to bury it.
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Cambridge's appeal to the family not to ask it to bury the body is likely a way to set up its defense if the family goes to court to try to force the burial, Marsh said.
"I look to them as human beings, with it my duty to bury them so their sanctity will not be violated again after the violation of their killing, " the sheik said.
The baroni wield considerable influence over governments, particularly of the centre-left, and have used it to bury most attempts at reform.
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Who can forget the story of the garbage barge sailing the coastline and waterways of the United States looking in vain for someone to take it, bury it or use it for landfill -- anything that would take it off the hands of a New York City overwhelmed by waste.
Cyril wanted to dig out a cave to play smugglers in, but the others thought it might bury them alive, so it ended in all spades going to work to dig a hole through the castle to Australia.
Norway's carbon tax means it is cheaper for the company involved, Statoil, to extract and bury the CO2 contained in the natural gas than vent it to the atmosphere.
Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it.
These volunteers -- also Shiites with access to the Health Ministry -- are compelled by conscience and faith and take it upon themselves to bury the dead in holy anonymity.
To sum up John Maynard Keynes, it can even make sense to bury money in bottles, so that miners, and the suppliers of their pickaxes and overalls, and those who sell food and materials to those suppliers can, in turn, benefit from the circulation of money that they dig up.
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But its underlying bedrock makes it expensive to bury vulnerable above-ground power lines.
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Most people are buried lying down, except in the Cipreses del Bosque graveyard in Mexico, where it is traditional to bury them standing up.
Twitter and Facebook have made it harder for companies to bury bad products and decisions.
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She said it was not unusual to bury cremated remains in a bag fastened with a brooch in late Iron Age Kent.
In that sense, a cynic might think it was a " good day to bury bad news".
They also reminded the public it's illegal to dig, bury an item or use a metal detector on federal lands.
The SNP have accused the government of trying to "bury" the by-election by holding it two days after the US presidential election.
"We have a ridiculous situation whereby it is illegal under EU regulations to bury animals, and have to pay for them to be removed and disposed of, " said Mr Jones.
So, we decided to bury our heads and listen to fallacious arguments that it is a temporary drop in the housing market and everything will be ok when the market steadies.
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And the e-mail sent by special adviser Jo Moore after the terror attacks in the US on 11 September 2001 saying it would be a good "to bury" bad news triggered a number of reviews into their role and power.