Labour leader Ed Miliband took the unusual step of responding to the statement - rather than Mr Hunt's shadow responding - and accused Prime Minister David Cameron of leaving Mr Hunt to "carry the can" in an "insult to the House and to the British public".
Meanwhile, the main concern expressed by the Daily Mail is that British taxpayers could be left to "carry the can" for eurozone countries that have failed to solve their problems.
She acknowledged everyone "has to share the pain" but added that public sector workers did not want to "carry the can".
But that first requires the service to find an off-the-shelf radio that can carry the necessary signals to enable unfettered communication between diverse radios and users.
But the electrically neutral neutrons escape to the walls of the vessel where the energy they carry can be used to generate power.
Critics argue that this would open the door to censorship and industry analysts doubt whether service provider can be persuaded to carry the costs.
Defining shared values early on in the company is a critical step to ensuring your team can carry out the vision.
The ability to carry a balance can come in handy when cash is tight, and the itemized monthly statements simplify things at tax time.
If you want to get into the specifics of what you can and can't carry, go to the website of your airline, or better yet, go to a Web site called
That merits an email like, "I'm stuck in the North Wing, " which sends Ms. Jones jogging over to pick up the 20-pound device and carry it back to her room, where the VGo can charge.
They spawn at the end of the dry season, so that the coming floods can carry the fry to the flood-plain.
"We're working to stabilise the collapse itself to make it safe, so we can carry out some further investigations and hopefully then the lake can be replenished, " he said.
But eventually, in the more distant future, the goal is to have Twitter accounts that can carry on tweeting in the style and voice of the original account.
The team will now carry out further research to see if the vaccine can curb memory loss in Alzheimer's mice as well as reduce their plaque burden.
For a start, money can be got there much faster: one airplane from the Treasury to Africa can carry enough cash to beat a famine for hundreds of thousands.
The main question is whether Mr Yanukovich can find the will to carry through reforms that could make him unpopular.
Even more impressive is the CyberCab, a driverless taxi that can carry riders to designated locations at the press of a button.
Judges are entitled to enhance the prison sentence someone must serve if it can be shown that the defendant used sophisticated means to carry out a fraud.
And if you are doing cardio, you really need to be pushing yourself to the point that you can't easily carry on a conversation (be sure to get your doctor's clearance first) during most of your workout.
CNN: Best way to jump-start your metabolism after a plateau?
"The situation in Italy can be extrapolated to carry larger significance in Europe, but the reality is that the Continent's financial system is much more stable than when regional political events could trigger a panic-induced sell-off, " said Yoshihiro Okumura, general manager at Chibagin Asset Management.
If your losses exceed the allowable limits for any tax year, you can carry the loss forward to later years subject to certain limitations.
FORBES: Taxes From A To Z (2013): U Is For Unrealized Gains and Losses
Now that smartphones have essentially the same capabilities in a compact offering, who wants to carry a Flip camera when their smartphone can do the job?
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It has to be something we can be passionate about and we can find the people who can carry out the actual creation of these stories and deliver what the fans want to see.
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If a taxpayer can't use the whole loss the year in which it becomes deductible, he can carry back the eligible loss to the previous three tax years and claim a refund.
The barge can carry 250, 000 gallons before having to head for the company's plant on land.
The barge can carry nearly a million liters before having to head for the company's plant on land.
The condition tends to affect people first in their twenties, though people can carry the gene and not suffer from the condition.
Structurally deficient, Stidger said, generally means the bridge can't carry the traffic it was designed to accommodate.
The "professional diligence" test under the CPRs mean that buyers can reasonably expect traders to carry out pre-sale checks in relation to the history, mileage and mechanical condition of the car.
That would leave the euro zone alone to carry to can with limited bailout resources, while also fretting about Portugal, Ireland, Spain and Italy.