Shadow justice secretary Dominic Grieve said the Tories would issue new guidance to police to clear up confusion over the rights of criminals to privacy.
Speaking before the vote, Jean-Charles Rielle, a doctor and member of the committee behind the proposal, told AFP news agency that they wanted to clear up confusion created by the existing regulations.
Danny Kinahan, who had been due to sum up for the UUP amendment, offered to clear up the confusion hanging over the debate by withdrawing his party's amendment.
Energy minister John Hayes, summoned to the Commons to clear up the confusion, said a number of options were being considered.
High profile feminist lawyer Gloria Allred, speaking alongside Talackova, also said Trump needed to clear up the confusion over Talackova's participation.
Odour also tried to clear up the confusion surrounding the appointment of the transitional committee which had been appointed by the minister.
To clear up my confusion, he pointed out a professional woman, in a skirt and blouse, walking alongside two businessmen in nice suits.
But he sought to clear up any confusion over his nationality.
Mr Jospin's parliamentary address did little to clear up such confusion.
Borda responds that Cunningham should have been aware of the loan's maturity date, and had had opportunity through his dealings with the bank to clear up any confusion.
Borda responds that Cunningham should have been aware of the loan's maturity date and had had opportunities in his dealings with the bank to clear up any confusion.
Mr Jones tried to clear up any confusion over the question of family's role in an opt out system, he said "no organs would be retrieved if a family would be against it".
Assistant Chief Constable of GMP, Steve Heywood, said the division had been made to "clear up any confusion" around investigations into the claims.
BBC: Sir Cyril Smith abuse claims: Police forces split cases
It is thus a perfect moment to consider how the DSM came about in the first place and why this new edition will do nothing to clear up the public's growing confusion.
The government asked the Supreme Court not to take the case, arguing that the IRS and Treasury were about to issue regulations that would help clear up the confusion.